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Conference Call

Legendary Conference Call - Borderlands 2
Legendary Conference Call - Borderlands 2

The Conference Call is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 2. This Hyperion Shotgun got famous early on as it was devastating when combined with the Bee. Since the GBX patched the game the AMP bonus damage exploit cannot be used in combination with this weapon. That Said, the Conference Call is still a cool weapon as its bullets split up. This feature is great for taking down large enemies like the Warrior or Terramorphous the Invincible. Another nice thing is that you can hit enemies behind a physical barrier or a shield.


Incendiary, Shock, Corrosive, Slag, or None

Special Weapon Effects:

Let’s just ping everyone all at once.

  • Fires 5 projectiles per shot.
  • Each projectile generates additional projectiles upon impact or after sufficient distance.
  • Slightly increased magazine size.
  • Slightly reduced accuracy.

How to get the Conference Call?:

  • You can get the Conference Call randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from The Warrior located in Vault of the Warrior.
  • It also has an increased drop chance from the Handsome Sorcerer who is located in Dragon Keep (Tiny Tina DLC).


  • The damage potential of the Conference Call can also be raised significantly if obtained with the “Practicable” prefix as the associated extra pellet count accessory raises its initial projectile count from 5 to 7.
  • When used with Zer0’s B0re skill, the Conference Call can hit multiple critical points.
  • Gaige’s Close Enough skill combined with this weapon can help spread damage and/or DoT effects across multiple targets due to the sheer number of pellets being generated. This can be useful with a Slag variant, especially in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.
  • The Conference Call is an extraordinary weapon for use with Gaige’s Anarchy builds, because its characteristic traits (rate of fire, magazine size and special weapon effect) are the optimal companion to gain stacks and cause damage.
  • As of Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, Butt Stallion has a chance to drop this weapon when she is rescued at Dragon Keep.


  • A SHiFT code for a Social Conference Call is included with the Diamond Plate Loot Chest. This weapon is unique amongst the twelve weapons in the pack as the only one to use parts from multiple manufacturers, as it has a Jakobs scope. The caption on the weapon’s card reads “Fires more projectiles than you can shake a TPS report at.”
  • The Conference Call used to be a popular companion for The Bee shield due to the extreme damage they could inflict together, but Gearbox has since addressed the exploitative nature of the combination by dividing the Bee’s amp damage among all the pellets of any given shot. This still makes the Conference Call perform rather well with the Bee, due to its low pellet count and unlisted projectiles each receiving the amplification attributed to the pellet it originated from.
  • In Tales from the Borderlands, the Conference Call is on a shelf in Jack’s office. The stranger forcing Rhys and Fiona to tell their story is highly likely to have taken the same gun from the ruins of said office along with a Robo-Jack body.
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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