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Binary Mocking Cutsman Borderlands 3 Legendary Showcase

About the Cutsman:

The Cutsman is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Maliwan SMG shoots out a projectile that splits into 2 orbs after a short distance. These orbs stay connected as an energy beam will make a connection between them. The weapon itself has a bit of a charge up and the projectiles move pretty slow, however, it compensates that with the width of the projectiles.


Incendiary, Shock, Corrosive, Cryo, and Radiation.

Special Weapon Effect:

“Little android man, born without a soul.”
Projectiles stretch horizontally as they travel forward.

How to get the Cutsman?:

The Cutsman can be obtained from any loot source but has a 10% chance of dropping from Borman Nates who is located in the Merdian Outskirts on Promethea.



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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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