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Borderlands 3 Legendary Class Mod - DE4DEYE
Borderlands 3 Legendary Class Mod - DE4DEYE

About the DE4DEYE Class Mod:

The DE4DEYE is a Legendary item in Borderlands 3. This Beastmaster Class Mod is for you sniper enthusiasts but that may not come as a surprise with the name DE4DEYE. You want this class mod with a lot of additional “Two F4ng” skills. In combination with this, you want to use single projectile snipers as this will double your damage. With multi-pellet weapons, the additional projectile is just 1 additional projectile that has a low damage number and therefore less effective.

Special Weapon Effect:

“Cut them down to size.”

FL4K and their pets deal 35% increased damage to enemies above 75% health.

How to get the DE4DEYE?:

The DE4DEYE has a 30% chance of dropping from Vice. He is a pet dragon of the Mother of Grogans. Who is located at The Anvil on Eden-6.

Bonus Skills:

Variants of the DE4DEYE class mod grant the following bonuses:

SkillSkill Description
Two F4ngThis skill gives FL4K a chance to fire one additional projectile with every shot.
Go for the Eyes!This skill allows FL4K’s pet to score an automatic critical hit with the first melee attack against an enemy. This attack gains increased critical damage.
The Fast and the FurryousThis skill gives FL4K increased gun damage and movement speed, and increases pet damage while they are above half health.

Passive Stat Bonuses

If you want a god-roll DE4DEYE Class Mod you should be looking for these passive stats bonuses on your beastmaster class mod:

Bonus StatDescription
[Weapon Type] DamageSpecific [Weapon Type] bonus damage is multiplicative and will, therefore, provide a larger damage increase than the general weapon damage.
[Manufacturer] Critical DamageSpecific [Manufacturer] Critical Damage boosts can really crank up FL4K’s DPS on any build.
Weapon DamageWhile General Weapon Damage is additive instead of multiplicative, like the specific [Weapon Type] damage, it still provides a nice universal bonus that applies to all your weapons.
Action Skill CooldownIncreased Action Skill Cooldown is great since it allows you to utilize your action skill quicker and Class Mods provides a bigger cooldown bonus than artifacts.


  • Best Roll: 5/5 “Two F4ng” or 3/3 “Fast & The Furryous”, 2/5 “Two F4ng”

FL4K Build:

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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