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Fish Slap

Borderlands 3 Legendary Grenade - Fish Slap
Borderlands 3 Legendary Grenade - Fish Slap

About the Fish Slap:

The Fish Slap is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. This is a Pangolin Grenade Mod that deals melee damage. 30% of the damage dealt is used to refill your shield’s capacity.


None, Incendiary, Shock, Corrosive, and Radiation.

Special Weapon Effect:

“Say hello to my little fish! ”

  • Deals Melee Damage.
  • 30% of the damage dealt is used to refill your shield’s capacity.

How to get the Fish Slap?:

The Fish Slap is a Revenge of the Cartels Legendary. You can get it from Josie Byte, Franco Firewall, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.

Fish Slap Drop Rates:


  • Since the Fish Slap deals melee damage you can use other gear to boosts its effect, just like the Face-Puncher. You could use it in combination with the ‘Unleash the Dragon‘ artifact, which boosts melee damage, and the Ward shield, which also boosts your melee damage.
  • Melee Damage receives a damage boost in Mayhem Mode and therefore this becomes one of the strongest grenades in End Game.
  • On top of the Melee Damage, the Fishslap also benefits from the Splash Damage Multiplier.
  • Fish Slap does not benefit from grenade damage bonuses.
  • The Fishslap can be a great delivery mechanic for the Ground Breaker Guardian Rank Perk, dealing 10% of all non-melee damage you have dealt over the last 5 seconds.


  • The flavor text is a reference to Tony Montana‘s popular one-liner from the 1983 movie Scarface (“Say hello to my little friend!”), in which he wields a grenade-equipped rifle and has a cocaine-fueled last stand against cartel members in his mansion.
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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