About the Grave:
The Grave is a Legendary Item in Borderlands 3. This Eridian Artifact will provide you with various boosts when your health keeps getting lower. The lower your health the more buffs you will gain. The flavor text ‘pain becomes power’ is litteral for this artifact.
Artifact Special Effect:
“Pain becomes power.”
- Increased Fight For Your Life movement speed
- Increased max health.
- Increased melee damage when health is below 50%
- Increased weapon damage when health is below 20%
- Increased splash damage when health is below 5%
How to get the Grave?:
The Grave can be obtained from any loot source. It seems fitting but isn’t confirmed that the Grave has a 10% chance of dropping from the Graveward which is located on Eden-6 in The Floating Tomb.