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Borderlands 2 Legendary KerBlaster

The KerBlaster is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 2. This Torgue Assault Rifle has damage on par with sniper rifles of equal level and its accuracy is exceptional. Because of its wide explosive radius and predictable child grenade spawns, it is very useful for crowd control and the user can effectively lob grenades to damage enemies behind cover by shooting the wall behind them.

The KerBlaster has high ammunition consumption per shot, slow projectile velocity, and low magazine size. The slowed projectile velocity can make it difficult to hit moving enemies, often requiring the user to lead or even try to predict where the target may seek cover next. Both the primary rocket and the child grenade can injure the shooter in close-range engagements.

Axton and Krieg can make the most effective use of this weapon as the KerBlaster’s main projectile deals explosive damage and the grenade it releases deals grenade damage. Both classes can also boost its magazine size considerably.



Special Weapon Effects:  

Torgue got more BOOM!

  • Consumes 4 ammo per shot.
  • Each shot fires one projectile which has a straight trajectory and explodes on impact.
  • The explosion releases a grenade which also explodes one second later.
  • This weapon cannot score critical hits.

How to get the KerBlaster?:

The KerBlaster can be obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Midge-Mong located in Southern Shelf Bay. It can also be an item of the day in any Torgue Vending Machine from Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage.

Borderlands 2 Legendary KerBlaster Location Guide


  • Although it fires rockets, it uses assault rifle ammo, therefore ammo regeneration works just as fast as it would for other assault rifles.
  • Unlike other Torgue weapons, firing in close proximity to friends and foes will result in damage from both the projectile itself and the following grenade.
  • The KerBlaster’s kills count towards the “Pull the Pin” challenge.
  • If used with an absorb shield, when shot at the ground the KerBlaster can replenish rocket launcher ammo, making extended use of rocket launchers much more useful. The shield will only absorb the initial shot, not the spawned child grenade.
  • If used with an Amplify Shield, the amp damage will boost the damage of both the rocket and the spawned grenade.
  • The damage of the child grenade spawned by the KerBlaster can be boosted by grenade damage bonuses.
  • Class specific notes:
    • Similar to its lower quality variants, the Torpedo, Axton’s Overload skill boosts the magazine size, somewhat countering its small magazine size. It does not benefit from Steady, as it is classed as an assault rifle and gains bonuses from skills based on that characteristic.
    • The KerBlaster is not optimal and a downright risky weapon for Gaige anarchy builds, since the explosive rounds don’t bounce even with Close Enough, and maxed out Anarchy stacks might lead to Gaige launching a rocket in front of her feet, instantly putting her into Fight For Your Life mode.
    • The Kerblaster is a decent long-range weapon for Krieg with the use of Strip the Flesh, Blood Bath and Pain is Power. The negative on critical hits from Pain is Power is not a factor and the bonuses stack.


  • The lore behind the KerBlaster is that it was invented after Mr. Torgue was persuaded by his grandma, Grandma Flexington, to go back to his weapon making roots after he had lost track of his dream for fame and fortune.
  • Dropped from Sorcerer’s Daughter on Day 29 of the Borderlands 2 $100,000 Loot Hunt. A hotfix on that day increased the damage and explosion radius.
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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