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Laser Disker

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Laser Disker
BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Laser Disker

The Laser Disker is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. This Tediore Laser   is an explosive Tediore brand blaster with damage, fire rate, and explosion radius comparable to high quality rocket launchers. Unlike rocket launchers, however, the Laser Disker has a moderately large magazine size and consumes laser ammunition, making this weapon an attractive replacement for most high rarity launchers. The Laser Disker is an excellent weapon for hitting slow targets, targets behind walls, or large groups of enemies, at any range due to its straight trajectory. It is immensely powerful when thrown.



Special Weapon Effects:

Always explosive element. Fires a blue disk in a straight trajectory that explodes on contact with walls or enemies. Very high damage, low rate of fire. Damage is more than doubled when the target is in mid air or frozen solid.

How to get the Laser Disker ?:

The Laser Diskeris obtained randomly from any suitable loot source and  has an increased chance to drop from  SHADOW-TP located in The Cortex (Claptastic Voyage DLC).

How to Grind the Laser Disker ?:

You can use the Grinder to create the Laser Disker. While there is no guaranteed recipe, you can combine 2 Legendary weapons and 1 Purple laser weapon to obtain a random legendary laser. Be sure to make it a luneshine grind for a “guaranteed” legendary and also get a chance of getting a luneshine buff.


  • This is the only weapon in The Pre-Sequel that notes its explosive element on its item card without being Torgue brand or a Rocket Launcher.
  • The Laser Disker counts as a Rocket Launcher for challenges.
  • Bug: Laser Disker projectile form is affected by in-game PhysX option, and looks as intended on “Low” only [PC].


  • The name, flavor text, and effects are references to the game Tribes: Ascend and a weapon popular in the Tribes series known as Spinfusor.
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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3 1


  1. I can’t believe I’m saying this but could you give me the unofficial community patch for borderlands pr… https://t.co/6CYTY4XVaH

  2. 20/10 way too op

  3. like the fact that is a fking laser( shuut shuut laser beans…) but didnt like how laser worked in the game.

  4. I havent played it but i heard that it is pretty strong

  5. It’s basically a good rocket launcher with a huge ammo pool. Downside is lack of elemental capability.


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