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Light Show

The Light Show is a Borderlands 3 Legendary Pistol that is manufactured by Vladof. It has an increased chance of dropping from Lasodactyl who is located in Obsidian Forest on Gehenna.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Vladof Pistol - Light Show

Borderlands 3 Legendary Vladof Pistol – Light Show

Light Show TOP TIER Pistol Borderlands 3 *MONARCH BUT PISTOL VERSION*

Weapon Overview:

Manufacturer: Vladof
Type: Pistol
Rarity: Legendary
Drop Rate: 33%
Anointed: Yes
Various Parts: Yes
Splash Damage: No

Weapon Stats:

Level: 72
Mayhem: 10
Damage: 24179×4
Accuracy: 89%
Handling: 69%
Reload Time: 3.1s
Fire Rate: 8.20/s
Magazine Size: 38

About the Light Show:

The LightShow is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Vladof Pistol fires multiple projectiles that travel in a spinning circular pattern. It shreds through enemies.

Special Weapon Effect:

“Give me some light, away!”

  • Fires 4 projectiles per shot that travel in a rotating circular pattern


Physical Damage is useful against everything. It has no special properties but also does not suffer weaknesses.

Fire damage is strong against Flesh and can cause targets to burn. Burning deals high damage over a 5-second duration.

Shock damage is strong against Shields and causes targets to be electrocuted. Electrocution deals very high damage over a 3-second duration.

Corrosive damage is strong against Armor and causes targets to melt. Melting deals high damage over a 7-second duration.

Cryo damage slows enemies and eventually freezing them. Cryo efficiency is the percentage of damage dealt that is applied as Cryo, at 100% efficiency, enemies will freeze at 20% health. Frozen enemies are unable to move and take 3x Melee damage

Radiation damage can cause targets to become Irradiated. Irradiated enemies deal Aura Damage to nearby enemies for 8 seconds. If an Irradiated enemy dies, they explode, Irradiating any enemies damaged by the explosion.

How do you get the light show in Borderlands 3?

The Light Show has a 33% chance of dropping from Lasodactyl who is located in the Obsidian Forest on Gehenna. But this weapon can also ‘World Drop’ in the Bounty of Blood DLC. Check out the map below for the light show’s farming location.

Where can I farm Lasodactyl in Bounty of Blood?

Lasodactyl can be found in Obsidian Forest on Gehenna. He’s part of the ‘Skin to Win’ crew challenge. Fast Travel to the Crone’s Contentment station as it’s nearby.Lasodactyl Spawn Location - Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood

Is the Light Show any good?

The Light Show is one of the best pistols in Borderlands 3. It’s a Top Tier weapon and is considered the Monarch of Pistols.



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