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Longest Yard

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Longest Yard
BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Longest Yard

The Longest Yard is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. This Hyperion Railgun Laser possesses unparalleled accuracy and damage among railguns, can easily be used in the same manner as a high-rarity sniper rifle, with the added bonus of a large amount of ammunition.


Fire, Cryo, Corrosive & Shock

Special Weapon Effects:

Near-perfect accuracy. Increased base and critical hit damage. Moderate increase in magazine size, increased maximum zoom and reload speed, consumes 5 ammo per shot.

How to get the Longest Yard ?:

The Longest Yard is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source and  has an increased chance to drop from  Teh Earworm who is located in Cluster 99002 Ov3rlook. (Claptastic Voyage DLC).

How to Grind the Longest Yard ?:

You can use the Grinder to create the Longest Yard. While there is no guaranteed recipe, you can combine 2 Legendary weapons and 1 Purple laser weapon to obtain a random legendary laser. Be sure to make it a luneshine grind for a “guaranteed” legendary and also get a chance of getting a luneshine buff.


  • The weapon emits a unique, high-pitched sound shortly after being fired.
  • This is the only legendary laser whose element is not fixed.
  • Because Teh Earworm spawns multiple times during the mission You Can Stop the Music, it is possible to receive multiple Longest Yards during the mission.


  • The weapon’s name is a reference to a Quake 3 Arena map Q3DM17 which is also called The Longest Yard.
  • The description and type are a reference to the Railgun which is a popular weapon on the map Q3DM17.
  • The red text is a reference to the ‘Impressive’ medal. You can earn this by performing 2 consecutive accurate railgun shots without missing.
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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  1. Op! /0/

  2. Wow, I need it


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