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Borderlands2 Legendary Madhous!

The Madhous! is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 2. This Bandit Assault Rifle has a minor damage boost and moderate magazine expansion atop its unique projectile effect. While its split projectile effect would seem to be immensely useful for combat in enemy-rich environments, the swerving, slow behavior of the initial projectile almost completely nullifies the benefits of the split projectile effect along with the damage and magazine size boosts. Specifically, the path of a Madhous! projectile is so random that shots fired at a distance of one to two body lengths not only have a chance of missing the targeted body part, they are likely to miss the target entirely.

Despite these issues, the Madhous! has a limited beneficial use against large mobs of enemies, particularly when aimed at the ground near the center of the group of enemies. The random trajectory of both the initial projectile and the split projectiles will provide ample coverage over a somewhat large area, though the likelihood of critical hits is nearly zero when using the weapon in this manner.


None,  Fire, Slag, Corrosive & Shock

Special Weapon Effects:  

It’s a Madhouse! A MADHOUSE!!!

  • Increased magazine size.
  • Slightly increased damage.
  • Bullets fired will follow a slightly swerving path that swerves back and forth left-right or up-down (orientation is random), they will split into two upon impact and bounce; bullets become faster after every bounce.

How to get the Madhous!?:

 The Madhous! can be obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Mad Dog located in Lynchwood.

Borderlands2 Legendary Madhous! Location Guide

Borderlands2 Legendary Madhous! Location Guide


  • This item was dropped by Mad Mike on Day 11 of the Borderlands 2 Loot Hunt. A hotfix on that day also increased the weapon’s damage.
  • On Day 19 of the Borderlands 2 Loot Hunt, the Madhous! and all other Bandit assault rifles had an increase in magazine size from a hotfix.
  • Even with Gaige’s Close Enough skill, the Madhous! is impractical because when the projectiles split and ricochet, they do so at a fixed angle. Thus, even when Close Enough activates, the split projectiles don’t fire directly at the enemy, but rather to the left and right, meaning they almost never hit the target.


  • The term “madhouse” is a euphemism for a psychiatric hospital.
  • The flavor text refers to Planet of the Apes.
  • The Madhous! was originally intended to be a part of Mad Dog’s loot pool. However, he was mistakenly given a loot pool identical to Madame Von Bartlesby. This was patched in Early August 2013, and Mad Dog now has an increased chance to drop the Madhous!
  • The Madhous!’s weaving bullet paths are very similar to those of the Madjack revolver in Borderlands.
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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