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Borderlands 3 Legendary Vladof Pistol - Magnificent

Borderlands 3 Legendary Vladof Pistol – Magnificent

Borderlands 3 | MAGNIFICENT - BUFFED!!! | Legendary Item Guide

Weapon Overview:

Manufacturer: Vladof
Type: Pistol
Rarity: Legendary
Drop Rate: 15%
Anointed: Yes
Various Parts: Yes
Splash Damage: No

Weapon Stats:

Level: 72
Mayhem: 10
Damage: 13625×2
Accuracy: 47%
Handling: 57%
Reload Time: 6.0s
Fire Rate: 12.68/s
Magazine Size: 105

About the Magnificent:

The Magnificent is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Vladof Pistol doubles down on what the manufacturer stands for: it has a massive magazine size and the fire rate is great. However, the damage is lacking and it has a very slow reload speed animation.

Special Weapon Effect:

“Yedesh na den’, khleba beri na nedelyu.”

    • Increased magazine size and fire rate.
    • Unique but very slow reload animation.
    • Underbarrel Attachement


Physical Damage is useful against everything. It has no special properties but also does not suffer weaknesses.
Fire damage is strong against Flesh and can cause targets to burn. Burning deals high damage over a 5-second duration.

Corrosive damage is strong against Armor and causes targets to melt. Melting deals high damage over a 7-second duration.


Elemental Damage Guide

How to get the Magnificent?

The Magnificent can randomly be obtained from any suitable loot source as a world drop. However, it has a 15% chance of dropping from Jabbermogwai. You can farm it at Voracious Canopy on Eden-6.

When you shoot Jabbermogwai with the Fire element you will get the Hellfire, if shoot it with the Cryo element Jabbermogwai will duplicate.


  • Hotfix – March 11, 2021
    • Increased weapon damage by 200%
  • Hotfix October 17, 2019
    • Damage increased by 25%



Related Legendary Weapons:

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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