About the Magnificent:
The Magnificent is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Vladof Pistol doubles down on what the manufacturer stands for: it has a massive magazine size and the fire rate is great. However, the damage is lacking and it has a very slow reload speed animation.
Special Weapon Effect:
“Yedesh na den’, khleba beri na nedelyu.”
- Increased magazine size and fire rate.
- Unique but very slow reload animation.
- Underbarrel Attachement
How to get the Magnificent?
The Magnificent can randomly be obtained from any suitable loot source as a world drop. However, it has a 15% chance of dropping from Jabbermogwai. You can farm it at Voracious Canopy on Eden-6.
When you shoot Jabbermogwai with the Fire element you will get the Hellfire, if shoot it with the Cryo element Jabbermogwai will duplicate.
- Hotfix – March 11, 2021
- Increased weapon damage by 200%
- Hotfix October 17, 2019
- Damage increased by 25%
- The Magnificent occasionally appears in Maurice’s Black Market.