About the Messy Breakup:
The Messy Breakup is a Legendary Item in Borderlands 3. When you equip this Anshin shield you are accompanied by a drone or should I say drones. You start out with 1 default drone but every time your shield breaks you get, for a limited time, an additional drone. The temporary drone has an increased fire rate compared to the standard drone. You can get multiple temporary drones when your shield breaks repeatedly but don’t count yourself rich with an insane number of drones since the shield recharge delay is pretty long. Disclaimer: this shield comes with a voice module, so expect to be taunted by GenIVIV.
None, Shock, and Corrosive.
Special Weapon Effect:
“It’s complicated.”
- Spawns a small drone that fires at enemies.
- The drone’s damage type is the same as the elemental resist type of the shield.
- Spawns an additional drone when depleted.
- Unique voice module.
How to get the Messy Breakup?:
The Messy Breakup can be obtained from any loot source but has a 30% chance of dropping from Rax who is located in the Meridian Outskirts on Promethea.
- The fire rate of both drones drastically increases when the shield is depleted.
- The shield does not need to be fully recharged to spawn more drones. As long as the shield breaks, a drone will always spawn.
- The shield has a broken heart sign on it which refers to the whole GenIVIV and Balex thing.
- This shield can be fun to use with Zane in combination with a Ten Gallon.
- The Messy Breakup occasionally appears in Maurice’s Black Market.
- Combat:
- Nice try, cutie idiots!
- I’m having so much fun!
- Mmm! You’re the best, cutie!
- You kill so good!
- You’re so good at this!
- I love it when we kill together!
- Oh yeah! Keep murdering, I’m almost there!
- You’re so good at that!
- Shield Depletion:
- What a mess!
- Really?!
- You always bust too early!
- Idle:
- Don’t forget; we have couples brunch with Tannis and that ham radio. You need to wear that shirt I got you.
- I’ve been reading your echo messages… WHO’S THIS CLAPTRAP SLUT?!?!
- Who needs adventure? Let’s stay in tonight! I have all 82 seasons of Bloodstarved to Live!
- You’re so much better than Balex. He never wanted to just go out and murder people!
- I’m bored. Let’s go out and kill some people!
- Think of all the places we could be! And all the people we could kill there!
- If something happened to me, would you get another shield? WHO IS SHE?!?!
- Did you know they make rosés for AIs? I’ve had like, a quart today.
- Did you forget where you’re going again? Oh, my little cutie idiot!
- Let’s spice things up a little! Like, what if we beat someone to death with his own pelvis! That sounds like fun!