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Borderlands 3 Legendary Jakobs Sniper Rifle - Monocle

Borderlands 3 Legendary Jakobs Sniper Rifle – Monocle

Borderlands 3 | The MONOCLE F-ING ROCKS

Weapon Overview:

Manufacturer: Jakobs
Type: Sniper
Rarity: Legendary
Drop Rate: 6.7%
Anointed: Yes
Various Parts: Yes
Splash Damage: No

Weapon Stats:

Level: 72
Mayhem: 10
Damage: 73409
Accuracy: 99%
Handling: 82%
Reload Time: 3.0s
Fire Rate: 1.06/s
Magazine Size: 4

About the Monocle:

The Monocle is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Jakobs Sniper Rifle isn’t designed for close-range combat. With its scope, you are able to zoom in very close at distant enemies. With the Monocle you want to aim for those critical hit spots as this will increase the damage by 250%. The Monocle Sniper Rifle is pinpoint accurate but has a limited magazine size. Is you create a build around this weapon it can do massive damage.

Special Weapon Effect:

“One is enough.”

  • Gain +250% Multiplicative Critical Hit Damage while aiming down sight
  • Extreme zoom capability
  • Critical hits ricochet 1 bullet at the nearest enemy.


  • None.
    • Physical Damage is useful against everything. It has no special properties but also does not suffer weaknesses.
  • Elemental Damage Guide

How do you get the Monocle in Borderlands 3?

The Monocle has a 6.7% chance of dropping from any of the two Demoskaggon who are located in The Droughts on Pandora.


  • Hotfix – Oct 21, 2021
    • Increased weapon damage +20%
  • Hotfix – Aug 20, 2020
    • Increased weapon damage +130%



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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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