About the Nimble Jack:
The Nimble Jack is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Jakobs weapon can function as both a sniper and a shotgun. When you walk around have a powerful shotgun but when you are airborne the accuracy of the Nimble Jack will increase and you will be pinpoint accurate like a sniper. So if you like to bunnyhop around a combat zone this is a great weapon for you. The Nimble Jack only has a magazine size of 1, however, it does have great reload speed. Therefore it’s good for quick combat.
Special Weapon Effect:
“Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump up and kill lunatics.”
- Increased accuracy when the character is airborne.
- Critical hits do not consume ammo.
How to get the Nimble Jack?:
The Nimble Jack can be obtained from any loot source but has a 15% chance of dropping from Handsome Jackie who is located in Skywell-27 on Promethea. Handsome Jackie is a Target of Opportunity given to you by Zero as a crew challenge.
- The Nimble Jack occasionally appears in Maurice’s Black Market.
- The weapon’s name and flavor text are a reference to the nursery rhyme “Jack Be Nimble“.
It’s good…….but very situational,only use it if you can jump and shoot accurately.
Ray Mathews III
If it took more than 1 shot you weren’t using a jackobs
Spencer Vontz
Jack be nibel jack be quick jack still bit of #%:k
7/10 but that’s console rating.
Jamma Jacks
Damage: Awesome!
Accuracy: Ok for a shotgun
Handling: Ok for a shotgun
Reload: Good
Fire Rate: Ok for a… https://t.co/cpFmPEm9kO
5 or 6
Magazine size holds it back in my opinion