About the Prompt Critical:
The Prompt Critical is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Torgue Pistol could just be the next Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold for Borderlands 3.
This weapon deals great damage and its legendary effect has a very large splash radius, making the Prompt Critical an excellent mobbing weapon. Therefore, you want to use this Torgue weapon in sticky mode (unless you are Moze). The Prompt Critical can come in the x3 or x4 variant.
Fire damage is strong against Flesh and can cause targets to burn. Burning deals high damage over a 5-second duration.
Corrosive damage is strong against Armor and causes targets to melt. Melting deals high damage over a 7-second duration.
Shock damage is strong against Shields and causes targets to be electrocuted. Electrocution deals very high damage over a 3-second duration.
Radiation damage can cause targets to become Irradiated. Irradiated enemies deal Aura Damage to nearby enemies for 8 seconds. If an Irradiated enemy dies, they explode, Irradiating any enemies damaged by the explosion.
Special Weapon Effect:
“Explodermaster masterexploder.”
- Increased damage and blast radius for each sticky gyroject that hits an enemy.
Weapon Stats:
Level: | 65+ |
Damage: | 17076×3 |
Accuracy: | 73% |
Handling: | 56% |
Reload Time: | 2.5s |
Fire Rate: | 2.54/s |
Magazine Size: | 8 |
Where to get the Prompt Critical?
The Prompt Critical has a 10% chance of dropping from Evil Lilith who is located at Castle Crimson in Krieg’s Mind. But this weapon can also randomly drop from any suitable loot source within the DLC.
Where can I find Evil Lilith?
Evil Lilith can be found at Castle Crimson in Krieg’s Mind. She’s the final boss in this area. Fast travel to Castle Crimson – the Wall and walk all the way to the end of the map.
Is the Prompt Critical any good?
The Prompt Critical is a great weapon and fun to use. You should definitely farm one for yourself.