About the Redistributor:
The Redistributor is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Hyperion SMG is part of the Takedown at Maliwan’s Blacksite. There is also a unique blue version in the game that you can get from completing the mission Impending Storm. However, this legendary version is way better.
The Redistributor special effect is that every 7th shot will deal AMP damage and chains to nearby enemies. Since this is an SMG the 7th shot will frequently occur giving you a lot of damage potential when dealing with mobs.
Cryo, Fire, Shock, Corrosive, Radiation
Special Weapon Effect:
“Man’s reach exceeds his imagination.”
- Every 7th shot is Amped. Amped shots chain to nearby enemies.
How to get the Redistributor?:
The Redistributor can be obtained in Maliwan’s Blacksite, it has an 18% chance of dropping from any Wotan the Invincible part.
- Hotfix – April 29, 2021
- Increased Weapon Damage by 160%
- Zane can use his Barrier to force the weapon’s special effect.
- Adding multiple elemental damage bonuses will boost the damage of the chains immensely.
- The Redistributor occasionally appears in Maurice’s Black Market.
- The red flavor text “Man’s Reach Exceeds His Grasp” is a quote from the movie The Prestige (2006).
Michael Teel
Idk it won’t drop 😔
It performs on about a 7 level
Rob Mayeux
Is it Raid only, or M4 Raid only? Who drops it?