About the Scream of Terror:
The Scream of Terror is a Legendary item in Borderlands 3. This Anchin Shield might not have the best stats but it does have a unique special effect that is very interesting. If you are looking for a Nova shield, there are better shields that can outperform the Scream of Terror. However, what those other shields don’t have is the ability to mind-control enemies. Affected enemies by the Scream of Terror will fight along your side and change up the balance on the battlefield.
Special Weapon Effect:
“Behold the flesh and power it holds.”
- “Let loose a piercing scream” and deals nova damage on shield break.
- Piercing screams have a chance to mind-control enemies.
How to get the Scream of Terror?:
The Scream of Terror is a Bloody Harvest legendary item and can be obtained during the event. It has a 0.12% drop chance on loot ghosts but a 24% drop chance on Captain Haunt.
- The mind-control effect only works while you are affected by the terror status effect.
- You can get gear with an anointment effect that applies ‘terror’ to you. So you have an influence on this effect even after the Bloody Harvest event ends.
- Mind-Control lasts ~10seconds.
- The red text is a song title by the metal band: The Flesh and the Power It Holds by Death