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Legendary Slagga - Borderlands 2
Legendary Slagga - Borderlands 2

The Slagga is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 2. This Bandit SMG is an ideal weapon to slag your enemies because of its high elemental chance. Due to the high ammo capacity of the Slagga you can easily keep swapping between this weapon and another to maximize your damage and not needing to reload. In Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode enemies will take even more damage when being slagged and hit by a none or another element. The Slagga is a decent weapon on its own, but on Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode it’s still a good weapon to Slag enemies even when the weapon is a few levels lower than your enemies.



Special Weapon Effects:


  • Always Slag element.
  • Fires 3 slag projectiles with reduced damage per shot at a cost of one SMG ammo.
  • High chance to slag.
  • Deals no damage to enemies already spawned with Slag elemental charge.

How to get the Slagga?:

  • You can get the Slagga randomly from any suitable loot source.
  • It also has an increased chance to drop from Tector & Jimbo Hodunk located in The Dust.
    • During the fight between the Hodunk and Zaford clans, upon siding with the Zafords, Jimbo and Tector have a chance of dropping the Slagga.
  • It also has an increased chance to drop from the Handsome Dragon in Hatred’s Shadow within the Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep DLC.


  • Gaige can make great use of this gun with her Close Enough skill, as any shots that miss may ricochet to a target, which can effectively improve the odds of Slagging one or multiple targets.
  • If you sided with the Hodunk’s in the Clan Wars you will be unable to fight Mick Zaford, He will most likely to drop the legendary Jakobs revolver, Maggie.
  • A hotfix on 11/05/13 increased the magazine size and damage of the Slagga and all other bandit submachine guns as part of the Borderlands 2 $100,000 Loot Hunt.
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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