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Spiritual Driver

Borderlands 3 Legendary Class Mod - Spiritual Driver
Borderlands 3 Legendary Class Mod - Spiritual Driver

About the Spiritual Driver:

The Spiritual Driver is a Legendary item in Borderlands 3. This legendary Siren class mod kinda plays into the speed kills play style.

Special Weapon Effect:

“Only on the brink can we see so clearly.”

  • When Amara activates her action skill, she applies her action skill element to herself.
  • Amara’s gun damage is increased while moving. The quicker she moves, the greater the gun damage bonus – reaching up to +500% Gun Damage.
    • At base Walking Speed: +20% Gun Damage
    • At base Running Speed: +45% Gun Damage

How to get the Spiritual Driver?:

The Spiritual Driver is Mayhem Mode 4 or higher Legendary and therefore can drop from any boss in the Maliwan Takedown. However, it has a 30% chance of dropping from Sylestro who is located in Tazandeer Ruins on Nekrotafeyo. Sylestro (and his partner Atomic) is one of Zer0’s Target of Opportunity challenge.

Atomic & Sylestro Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Atomic & Sylestro Location Guide – Borderlands 3

Skill Bonuses

Variants of the Spiritual Driver grants the following bonuses:

SkillSkill Description
Helping Hand(s)This skill gives Amara damage reduction for a short time after using her Action Skill.
MindfulnessThis skill allows Amara to gain a stack of Mindfulness whenever she takes damage. Every stack of Mindfulness increases her movement speed and reduces her shield recharge delay. Stacks decay after a short time.
ClarityThis skill gives Amara constant health regeneration. The lower her health, the higher the regeneration rate. This rate is doubled for a short time after Amara uses her Action Skill.
  • Amara’s Spiritual Driver COM can only spawn with +2 on Clarity and +2 on Helping Hands.
  • Best Roll: 3/3 “Mindfulness”, 2/5 “Helping Hands”


If you want a god-roll Spiritual Driver Class Mod you should be looking for these passive stats bonuses on your Siren Class Mod:

Passive StatDescription
[Weapon Type] DamageSpecific [Weapon Type] bonus damage is multiplicative and will, therefore, provide a larger damage increase than the general weapon damage.
Weapon DamageWhile General Weapon Damage is additive instead of multiplicative, like the specific [Weapon Type] damage, it still provides a nice universal bonus that applies to all your weapons.
[Manufacturer] Weapon (Critical) DamageSpecific [Manufacturer] bonus damage is multiplicative and will, therefore, provide a larger damage increase than the general weapon damage.

Amara Build

Here are some builds that use this class mod:

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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