About the Spiritual Driver:
The Spiritual Driver is a Legendary item in Borderlands 3. This legendary Siren class mod kinda plays into the speed kills play style.
Special Weapon Effect:
“Only on the brink can we see so clearly.”
- When Amara activates her action skill, she applies her action skill element to herself.
- Amara’s gun damage is increased while moving. The quicker she moves, the greater the gun damage bonus – reaching up to +500% Gun Damage.
- At base Walking Speed: +20% Gun Damage
- At base Running Speed: +45% Gun Damage
How to get the Spiritual Driver?:
The Spiritual Driver is Mayhem Mode 4 or higher Legendary and therefore can drop from any boss in the Maliwan Takedown. However, it has a 30% chance of dropping from Sylestro who is located in Tazandeer Ruins on Nekrotafeyo. Sylestro (and his partner Atomic) is one of Zer0’s Target of Opportunity challenge.
Skill Bonuses
Variants of the Spiritual Driver grants the following bonuses:
Skill | Skill Description |
Helping Hand(s) | This skill gives Amara damage reduction for a short time after using her Action Skill. |
Mindfulness | This skill allows Amara to gain a stack of Mindfulness whenever she takes damage. Every stack of Mindfulness increases her movement speed and reduces her shield recharge delay. Stacks decay after a short time. |
Clarity | This skill gives Amara constant health regeneration. The lower her health, the higher the regeneration rate. This rate is doubled for a short time after Amara uses her Action Skill. |
- Amara’s Spiritual Driver COM can only spawn with +2 on Clarity and +2 on Helping Hands.
- Best Roll: 3/3 “Mindfulness”, 2/5 “Helping Hands”
If you want a god-roll Spiritual Driver Class Mod you should be looking for these passive stats bonuses on your Siren Class Mod:
Passive Stat | Description |
[Weapon Type] Damage | Specific [Weapon Type] bonus damage is multiplicative and will, therefore, provide a larger damage increase than the general weapon damage. |
Weapon Damage | While General Weapon Damage is additive instead of multiplicative, like the specific [Weapon Type] damage, it still provides a nice universal bonus that applies to all your weapons. |
[Manufacturer] Weapon (Critical) Damage | Specific [Manufacturer] bonus damage is multiplicative and will, therefore, provide a larger damage increase than the general weapon damage. |
Amara Build
Here are some builds that use this class mod: