About the Superball:
The Superball is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Maliwan Pistol shoots fireballs just like Super Mario when he has picked up a ‘Fire Flower’ power-up. The Superball is a fun weapon to use indoors as you can quickly fill up the room with bouncing fireballs. While it can be a hard weapon to use it does deal good incendiary damage.
Special Weapon Effect:
“Flower Power.”
- Always Incendiary
- No Charge up time
- Shoots bouncing projectiles
How to get the Superball?:
The Superball can be obtained from any loot source but has a 15% chance of dropping from Baron Noggin who is located in the Meridian Metroplex on Promethea.
- The bounce of the projectiles is based on the angle you shoot them at. The projectiles will continue to travel onwards based on the initial arc.
- The name, flavor text, and special effect are a reference to the Super Mario Bros. video game. The fireballs look, behave, and sound like the ones Mario can throw when he acquires a Fire Flower.