Gear Description:
The Modernista is a legendary piece of Gear that increases the Maximum Shield Strength and reduces the Cooldown time.
Legendary Effect:
The legendary effect on the Modernista will provide a good chance that enemy bullets that his your shield will reflect back at your attackers.
How to get the Modernista ?
The Modernista can be obtained by defeating Thrall Shift Superviser Varl who is the first mid-boss in episode 7 of the story campaign, The Saboteur. This piece of gear will only drop on Advanced difficulty.
- For more questions about Gear check out the Gear FAQ.
beya 🤖💕
I think I played shaurox for a while with this in the build! just buffing up the shield as much as possible
Shayne and Aurox. I always go big shields with S&A. They’re a big target so that reflection is perfect…
Enasni Vee
I use it on ISIC and I think Shayne & aurox.
I currently have this on ISIC but it was part of my Ernest build for a long time. Couple this with the…
Feblood Austeel
Kleese the crazy scientist will reflect lots of bullets with his skill Q.
Gearbox News Network
“Im going to kill you with MATH” comes to mind.