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Thumb Cuffs

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Legendary Ring - Thumb Cuffs
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Legendary Ring - Thumb Cuffs

The Thumb Cuffs is one of the Legendary Rings in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. This Ring is manufactured by Vatu and is part of the base game.

Special Legendary Effect

See that’s that privately owned prison, get your price today.

While you are in a Dungeon, the Thumb Cuff’s stats are increased by 33%.

How to get the Thumb Cuffs?

Primary Stats

This ring rolls with 1 out of 5 primary stats

Primary Stats BonusesLVL 40ChaoticVolatilePrimordialAscended
Companion Damage15.00%17.14%19.68%22.70%26.30%
Gun Damage15.00%17.14%19.68%22.70%26.30%
Melee Damage15.00%17.14%19.68%22.70%26.30%
Skill Damage15.00%17.14%19.68%22.70%26.30%
Spell Damage15.00%17.14%19.68%22.70%26.30%

Secondary Stats

This ring rolls with 2 or 3 out of 29 secondary stats

Secondary Stat BonusLVL 40ChaoticVolatilePrimordialAscended
Companion Crit Chance15.00%17.77%21.07%24.99%29.70%
Melee Crit Chance15.00%17.77%21.07%24.99%29.70%
Skill Crit Chance15.00%17.77%21.07%24.99%29.70%
Spell Crit Chance15.00%17.77%21.07%24.99%29.70%
Companion Crit Damage12.50%14.81%17.56%20.83%24.70%
Melee Crit Damage12.50%14.81%17.56%20.83%24.70%
Ability Crit Damage12.50%14.81%17.56%20.83%24.70%
Spell Crit Damage12.50%14.81%17.56%20.83%24.70%
Assault Rifle Crit Damage12.50%14.81%17.56%20.83%24.70%
Pistol Crit Damage12.50%14.81%17.56%20.83%24.70%
Shotgun Crit Damage12.50%14.81%17.56%20.83%24.70%
SMG Crit Damage12.50%14.81%17.56%20.83%24.70%
Sniper Rifle Crit Damage12.50%14.81%17.56%20.83%24.70%
Companion Health15.00%17.77%21.07%24.99%29.70%
Dark Magic Efficiency10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
Ability Cooldown10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
Spell Cooldown10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
Ability Duration10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
Spell Radius10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
Assault Rifle Mag Size15.00%17.77%21.07%24.99%29.70%
Pistol Mag Size10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
Shotgun Mag Size10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
SMG Mag Size8.00%9.48%11.24%13.33%15.80%
Sniper Rifle Mag Size10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
Assault Rifle Reload Speed10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
Pistol Reload Speed10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
Shotgun Reload Speed10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
SMG Reload Speed10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%
Sniper Rifle Reload Speed10.00%11.85%14.05%16.67%19.80%



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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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