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Tidal Wave

Tidal Wave Borderlands 3 Legendary Showcase
Tidal Wave Borderlands 3 Legendary Showcase

About the Tidal Wave:

The Tidal Wave is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Jakobs Shotgun can be devastating at point-blank but that’s about it.

The Tidal Wave has cool moving projectiles but because they move very slowly, it’s hard to hit your targets at even medium range. It is fun to shoot this weapon in a narrow passageway as all the projectiles will ricochet. You really need to work to get the most out of this weapon.

You can also get an elemental version of this weapon but then it’s called TK’s Wave. That version also has increased critical hit damage which makes that point-blank combat more effective.


None: Physical Damage is useful against everything. It has no special properties but also does not suffer weaknesses.

Special Weapon Effect:

“Flee the wave, dude!”

  • Shoots 2 rows of 6 slow-moving projectiles that travel in a wave pattern.
  • Projectiles ricochet off of surfaces.
  • The projectile’s lifespan is 5 seconds.
  • Consumes 2 Ammo per shot

Where to get the Tidal Wave?

The Tidal Wave has a 15% chance of dropping from Dumptruck who you can farm in The Droughts located on Pandora.

Where can I find Dumptruck?

You can find Dumptruck in The Droughts on Pandora. Go to the Bloodbucket’s Chapel, he will be in the tower.

What’s the drop rate of the Tidal Wave?

The Tidal Wave has a 15% drop rate

Weapon Stats:

Level: 57+
Damage: 2518×12
Accuracy: 59%
Handling: 63%
Reload Time: 1.3s
Fire Rate: 1.40/s
Magazine Size: 2


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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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