About the Ward:
The Ward is a Legendary Item in Borderlands 3. This Hyperion shield is a must-have if you are specing into a melee build as the Ward can boost your melee damage with 300%. The Ward is a great Roid shield with great perks, however, the shields recharge delay is a bit long depending on your drop. This shield can be the equivalent of the hide of Terramorphus from Borderlands 2.
None, Cryo, Incendiary, Radiation, Shock, and Corrosive.
Special Weapon Effect:
“Free me master, see me shiver.”
- Bonus weapon damage when the shield is depleted.
- Bonus melee damage when the shield is depleted.
- Health regeneration when the shield is active.
- This Bonus stat is doubled when the shield is depleted.
How to get the Ward?:
The Ward can be obtained from any loot source but has a 10% chance of dropping from Graveward who is located in The Floating Tomb on Eden-6. You fight against it at the entrance of the second Vault.
- This shield can be fun to use in combination with the ‘Unleash the Dragon‘ artifact, which boosts melee damage, and the Face-puncher, as it scales off of your melee damage.
White Bread
5/10 melee sucks
Nathan Broad
Paired with the face puncher shotgun, it’s actually better than you think.
Timothy Dianov
I use the 80% melee damage with higher specs…
♠️🃏 c~V~e 《cody》🃏♠️
What rating if you’re on ps4 I would love a copy of it,
My ps4 is the same as my twitter username add… https://t.co/Tn9k941e1d
Lane Gay
Justin Smith
It’s only correct for one character but it can be used on the others if you want it to.
Donovan Davis
Really good for offense but gives little in Dec great for amara glass cannon builds 10/10 my fav
Zack Bradshaw
10/10 it’s perferct