About the Yellowcake:
The Yellowcake is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. This COV Launcher shoots a projectile that splits into 4 balls that have some drop-off and explode on impact. The explosions have a high splash radius.
Special Weapon Effect:
“I’m really more of a pie person.”
- Projectile split into multiple projectiles after a set distance.
- High Splash Damage.
How to get the Yellowcake?:
The Yellowcake is a Revenge of the Cartels Legendary. You can get it from FISH SLAP!!!, Tyrone Smallums, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.
Yellowcake Drop Rates:
- Joey Ultraviolet: 11%
- FISH SLAPP: 6.6% or 11.6% when next to Joey.
- Tyrone Smallums: 6.6% or 11.6% when next to Joey.
Was the Yellowcake Nerfed?
Yes, it was extremely overpowered because GBX applied the wrong scaling math.
Is the Yellowcake still good?
Definitely, the Yellowcake is still a beast! You still want to hit your target as the projectile splits.
- June 11th, 2020
- Changed Damage Scaling – The wrong scaling math was applying to the Yellowcake, greatly increasing its damage beyond its intended value. We are changing it to use intended math.
- Split Projectile Damage Decrease – We are lowering the damage of each of its split projectiles as they were overperforming as well.