The ZX-1 is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. Although this Dahl Laser is a single shot it has a low chance to ignite foes, its extraordinary rate of fire ensures that a targeted enemy will be expediently set alight. Its high fire rate also greatly assists in burning away enemies’ shields, swiftly exposing them to the burning status effect that follows. The bullets also home in on an enemy hit by at least one bullet in a magazine.
The ZX-1 burst-fires when zoomed in; a very short, yet precise burst. Because of the gun’s perfect accuracy, the burst will hit whatever it is aimed at (so long as the target has not moved much). The weapon’s burst-fire is handy for initiating a target lock on a foe at almost any range.
The ZX-1 is not without disadvantages: should a particularly mobile enemy be targeted prior to the player deciding to attack another enemy, the laser’s rounds will still home in on the initial target, completely missing the second enemy, unless said second enemy is interrupting the line of fire. The homing feature of the weapon does not fare well at close ranges, as while locked on the laser bolts corkscrew wildly before homing in on the target, which can sometimes cause the loss of at least half the magazine before actually hitting the target. The homing feature is much more effective at medium and long ranges.
Special Weapon Effects:
Always incendiary. Greatly increased fire rate, perfect accuracy. Slightly reduced projectile speed. Greatly reduced elemental chance per bolt. After damaging targets once, shots fired will home in on them until the magazine is empty. Shots travel in a corkscrew pattern before hitting their targets. All parts fixed.
How to get the ZX-1 ?:
The ZX-1 is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source and has an increased chance to drop from Colonel Zarpedon in the Eye of Helios. It also has an increased chance to drop from The Invincible Empyrean Sentinel in Eleseer.
How to Grind the ZX-1 ?:
You can use the Grinder to create the ZX-1. While there is no guaranteed recipe, you can combine 2 Legendary weapons and 1 Purple laser weapon to obtain a random legendary laser. Be sure to make it a luneshine grind for a “guaranteed” legendary and also get a chance of getting a luneshine buff.
- The ZX-1 is good for gaining stacks of Maniacal Laughter with Claptrap.
- The ZX-1 also excels at gaining stacks of Maelstrom with Athena. With proper investment into her skill tree Ceraunic Storm, Athena can easily attain 500+ stacks with this weapon alone.
- The name and flavor text are references to the 1997 movie, The Fifth Element, where a weapon called the ZF-1 is introduced with a “replay” feature which the laser’s homing ability seems to be based on. The two weapons also share very similar camouflage designs.
- In the game files, the ZX-1 is an assigned drop of Nakayama, although it cannot drop from this source as Nakayama is a non-hostile NPC.