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Godfall Armor Sets

Godfall Valorplate Armor Sets
Godfall Valorplate Armor Sets

Godfall Valorplates

Godfall has 12 legendary armor sets called Valorplates. These Zodiac-inspired armor sets function as your character classes. Each Valorplate has its own play style, some are more well-rounded, others specialize in a particular play style.

Valorplate Characteristics

Each Valorplate has its own characteristics. There are some all-around armor sets but others have a specific role they excel in. This is determined by their primary characteristics like; Might, Spirit, and Vitality. But also the Valorplate’s Archon abilities come into place.

  • Might

    • Might is your DPS statistic; Attack Power and Attack Speed.
  • Spirit

    • Spirit is your increases the Cooldown and Damage of  Weapon Techniques, Shield Abilities, and Polarity Attacks.
  • Vitality

    • Vitality is what makes you a tank by increases your maximum Health and the damage of your Siphon attack.

Archon Ability

Every Valorplate has its own specific set of stats, a passive buff for your character, and an “Archon ability.” Archon is the Greek word for “ruler” and that’s exactly what this ability is. This is the ultimate move that comes with the armor and somewhat defines the character class. You want to pick the right Valorplate for each mission or the role that you play in a co-operative experience. In order to use your Archon ability, you will need to charge up a bar before you can unleash your ultimate skill.

When you active your Archon, 2 things will happen. Your Valorplate’s passive buff will be increased and your special skill will trigger. For example, Hinterclaw will get an increased critical hit chance as that is its passive skill. With each kill, this bonus will increase further. His Archon special ability summons 3 allies that fight alongside you.

Augment Slots

Valorplates can also be equipped with augments as each armor set has its own constellation with augment slots. These can be equipped with might, vitality, or spirit boosting augments. Each constellation has more or less of a specific augment type depending on the Valorplate’s play style.

Augments do not only alter the stats of your Valorplate they can also add different perks. For example, you might add an Augment into your Valorplate that heals you and your allies whenever you hit an enemy’s weak point for survivability, or you might insert a different Augment that summons deadly magical missiles that targets nearby enemies for soft AoE damage whenever you hit a weak point.


While you cannot switch around headgear or chest plates. Your Valorplate is a complete outfit so to speak. You can alter the way your character looks by changing up the skins. These skins change up the colors of your Valorplate. You can get a few of these skins when you Pre-Order Godfall. That said, there won’t be any microtransaction in the game that will sell you customization skins or something like that.

Godfall Valorplate Shrine

Godfall Valorplate Shrine

Unlocking Valorplates

You unlock new Valorplates by collecting various resources throughout the game. They are not part of the loot drops where you need to collect different pieces of the armor. Valorplates are always a complete armor set. You cannot mix and match separate parts of the armor to create the ultimate loadout.

You can unlock the Valorplates in any order that you like. However, you do need to have enough materials to do so. Each Valorplate has its own requirements before you can obtain it. These materials are part of the loot system so you collect them as you naturally progress through Godfall. The game doesn’t tell you which Armor set you should get. You are free to choose which Valorplate you want.

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