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35 Tips and Tricks from Pro Fortnite Battle Royale Players

Fortnite Battle Royale | 35 Tips and Tricks from the Professionals

What happens when you bug professional Fortnite Battle Royal Players for tips and tricks? Indeed a kickass video containing a lot of good lessons to keep in mind for your next game. Here are 35 Protips you may not know.

35 Battle Royal Tips

  1. Pulse grenade to push you quickly towards the safe zone.
  2. Parachute deploys at its lowest away from the island.
  3. If you’re a covert player attempt to enter the safe zones from the smallest side.
  4. Running towards gunfire in the distance…
  5. Get used to the unique sounds of each weapon…
  6. Throw a trap in the top of your base to warn off any would-be base rushers.
  7. Placing traps at the foot of the base to catch those snooping below
  8. And one more way to use traps on your bases is by putting them inside.
  9. Most people use metal and brick for final bases. This makes complete sense as they are the stronger materials but many people miss how weak they are during the first few seconds of the build. Wood, on the other hand, has immediate integrity and can take the brunt of a shotgun blast and still stay intact. Whereas metal is smashed to pieces immediately.
  10. With bigger trees try to keep the last 50 health intact and move to the next one.
  11. Palettes, rock formations, huge pine trees… the beast trees at moisty are great too.
  12. There’s a small glitch which can be used when gathering materials.
  13. Building ramps above your head when climbing high can save your life.
  14. you can peak through the slats in the structure and get the drop on the enemy.
  15. edit your structures
  16. sniper window
  17. Hit a wall a few times to see through the top layer
  18. Never stand still
  19. Stone covers.
  20. Sky Bridge security
  21. fall damage
  22. spam the ramp in the hopes of negating any fall damage.
  23. If you’re trying to make an impossible jump use the roof tile to bridge the gap.
  24. silenced weapons, use them for checking bushes or knocking down trees and walls without giving away your position. Don’t watch… Switch
  25. immediately switching
  26. Pop a ramp when fighting.
  27. The rifle can snipe through the cracks in some structures.
  28. Switch to your axe while looting
  29. Loot Trap
  30. the effects of the campfires stack
  31. Keep weapons in the same slots
  32. check the patch notes!
  33. By changing the pyramid structure to a ramp we are able to minimize the number of clicks needed to build.
  34. Use console aim assist to check bushes for wookies.
  35. Buttons can be reassigned on console

BONUS TIP: Practice using a Fortnite Building Simulator.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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