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How to add Mods for Borderlands 2

How to add Mods for Borderlands 2


  1. Install the Unofficial Community Patch.
  2. Download Mods from Github.
  3. Save Mods at  programfiles/steam/steamapps/commen/borderlands2/binaries/
  4. Run BLCMM
  5. Setup Mods
  6. Run Borderlands 2
  7. In the main menu enable the console menu by pressing your preset key (F6 in the example).
  8. Type in:” exec Patch.txt ” and confirm by pressing the ‘Enter’ button.
How to add Mods for Borderlands 2

With the foundation of the Borderlands 2 unofficial community patch there are a few other thing you can do to enhance your game.  There are community mods you can install that for example add custom weapons to the game. In this video Derch explains how you can run these Mods, also check out his channel as he is making videos about some of these Mods.


  1. Install the Unofficial Community Patch.
  2. Download Mods from Github.
  3. Save Mods at  programfiles/steam/steamapps/commen/borderlands2/binaries/
  4. Run Borderlands 2
  5. In the main menu enable the console menu by pressing your preset key (F6 in the example).
  6. Type in:” exec yourmod.txt ” and confirm by pressing the ‘Enter’ button.

Master File

Save time by creating a master file that enables you to load the Community Patch and your Mods in 1 go.

  1. Go to  programfiles/steam/steamapps/commen/borderlands2/binaries/
  2. Create a .txt file with a name of your likings (example: master.txt)
  3. Open the master.txt file and type ” exec patch.txt ” to list the patch.
  4. Do the same for the Mods (example: ” exec yourmod.txt “)
    • Read the description of each mod, some have special requirements like load last.
    • exec patch.txt
      exec yourmod1.txt
      exec yourmod2.txt
  5. Run Borderlands 2
  6. In the main menu enable the console menu by pressing your preset key (F6 in the example).
  7. Type in:” exec master.txt ” and confirm by pressing the ‘Enter’ button. Now the patch and your mods will be loaded in one command.
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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