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Borderlands 3: Revenge of the Cartels Legendary Weapons

Revenge of the Cartels Legendary Weapon Guide - Borderlands 3
Revenge of the Cartels Legendary Weapon Guide - Borderlands 3

There are 9 legendary items that you can only obtain during Borderlands 3‘s “Revenge of the Cartels” Seasonal Event. This in-game event can be activated in the main menu enabling you to visit Villa Ultraviolet and confront Joey Ultraviolet and his minions as they are the dedicated loot source for these powerful legendary items. In this Borderlands 3 Guide, I will tell you what the exclusive legendary items are, what they do, and how to obtain them, and I’ll give my personal recommendations.

Revenge of the Cartels Quickly Explained

Revenge of the Cartels is a Seasonal Event in Borderlands 3. Originally, this was a limited-time event, however, Gearbox Software has updated the game making it possible to enable the event in the Main Menu.

Maurice has gotten himself into some trouble and you need to help out. Hunt down Cartel Operatives that randomly spawn throughout the galaxy. After defeating enough of these neon troops, Maurice can get you to Joey Ultraviolet’s secret location.

Villa Ultraviolet is protected by 1 of 3 cartels, each providing a unique challenge as different enemy types will guard the secret hideout.

Every Revenge of the Cartels Legendary Item

The final boss and his underlings are the main source for the Revenge of the Cartel legendaries. The mini-bosses 6.6% chance of dropping their dedicated drops when you encounter them by themselves but if they are fighting alongside Joey Ultraviolet the drop chance is increased to 11.6% which is on par with the final boss himself.

O.P.Q. System

Borderlands 3 Legendary Atlas Assault Rifle - O.P.Q. System
Borderlands 3 Legendary Atlas Assault Rifle – O.P.Q. System

The O.P.Q. System is an Atlas Assault Rifle that can spawn a drone copy of itself. The drone will target the same location as where you are aiming.

I recommend you get a OPQ System as it is a very powerful Assault Rifle for any Vault Hunter.


You can get the O.P.Q. System from Josie Byte, Franco Firewall, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.

35309 x2xxxxx
O.P.Q. System Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)


Borderlands 3 Legendary COV Assault Rifle - NoPewPew
Borderlands 3 Legendary COV Assault Rifle – NoPewPew

The NoPewPew is an Incendiary COV Assault Rifle.

I recommend you get a NoPewPew because this weapon can deal serieus damage.


You can obtain it from Roaster, The Tenderizer, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.

xx21201 x3xxx
xx16153 x4xxx
xx12307 x5xxx
NoPewPew Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

Grease Trap

Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan Pistol - Grease Trap
Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan Pistol – Grease Trap

The Grease Trap is an Incendiary Maliwan Pistol that has 2 projectile options. ‘Hot Grease’ which is a spread shot and ‘Fire Starter’ that shoots fireballs.

I recommend Zane Players get the Grease Trap as you and your Clone can abuse the weapons special ability.


You can get the Grease Trap from Roaster, The Tenderizer, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.

Grease Trap Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)


Borderlands 3 Legendary COV Rocket Launcher - Yellowcake
Borderlands 3 Legendary COV Rocket Launcher – Yellowcake

The Yellowcake is a Radiation COV Launcher that shoots a projectile that splits into 4 balls that drop and explode. The explosions have a high splash radius.

I recommend you get a Yellowcake because it’s one of the best launchers in the game.


You can obtain the Yellowcake from FISH SLAP!!!, Tyrone Smallums, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.

xxxxx107720 x2
Yellowcake Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)


Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun - Iceburger
Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun – Iceburger

The Iceburger is a Hyperion Shotgun that shoots Incediary lasers and Cryo burgers.

You can get the Iceburger from Roaster, The Tenderizer, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.

Iceburger Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

Needle Gun XXL

Borderlands 3 Legendary Tediore SMG - Needle Gun
Borderlands 3 Legendary Tediore SMG – Needle Gun

The Needle Gun is a Tediore SMG that can apply a stacking vulnerability debuff on enemies. At Max stats, additional damage refills the Needle Gun’s magazine. This effect does have a cooldown. The Needle Gun can come in the Incendiary, Shock, Corrosive, Cryo, and Radiation elements.

You can obtain the Needle Gun from Josie Byte, Franco Firewall, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.

8801 x27481 x27041 x27041 x27041 x26601 x2
Needle Gun Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)


Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shield - Firewall
Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shield – Firewall

The Firewall is a Hyperion Shield with a Projected shield that has a chance to fire projectiles at your enemies. A portion of the projectile’s damage will refill your shield capacity.

You can get the Firewall from Josie Byte, Franco Firewall, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.


Borderlands 3 Legendary Anshin Shield - Wattson
Borderlands 3 Legendary Anshin Shield – Wattson

The Wattson is an Anshin Shield that will spawn grenades based on the element of the incoming projectile.

You can obtain the Wattson from FISH SLAP!!!, Tyrone Smallums, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.

Fish Slap

Borderlands 3 Legendary Pangolin Grenade Mod - Fish Slap
Borderlands 3 Legendary Pangolin Grenade Mod – Fish Slap

The Fish Slap is a Pangolin Grenade Mod that deals melee damage. 30% of the damage dealt is used to refill your shield’s capacity.

I recommend you get a Fish Slap because it’s the best Grenade Mod in the game for End Game content due to its interaction with the Guardian Rank Groundbreaker Perk.


You can get the Fish Slap from FISH SLAP!!!, Tyrone Smallums, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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