What are the Best Corrosive Weapons in Borderlands 3?
These corrosive weapons deal great damage against armored enemies. The corrosive element will melt enemies for 7 seconds dealing massive damage against their armor.
7. Cutsman
The Cutsman is a great Maliwan SMG. This weapon shoots out a projectile that splits into 2 orbs after a short distance. These orbs stay connected through an energy beam. The weapon itself has a bit of a charge up and the projectiles move pretty slow, however, it compensates for that with the width of the projectiles and the amount of damage it deals.
The Cutsman can be obtained from any loot source but has a high chance of dropping from Borman Nates who is located in the Merdian Outskirts on Promethea.
6. The Lob
The Lob is a Torgue Shotgun. This weapon shoots slow-moving orbs that deal massive damage. Since Gearbox Software buffed this weapon it has been outperforming the famous Cutsman.
The Lob can be randomly obtained from any loot source but it has a high chance of dropping from Graveward who is located in The Floating Tomb on Eden-6. This is actually an easier farm than the Cutsman as Borman Nates isn’t as generous with dropping legendary weapons.
5. Breath of the Dying
The Breath of the Dying is a Dahl Assault Rifle. Unlike the previously mentioned weapons, the Breath of the Dying can only be corrosive. When you kill an enemy with this weapon it will create an explosion and summon multiple projectiles that will shoot out in all directions. This is very useful when dealing with large mobs that contain a lot of armored opponents.
The Breath of the Dying can be obtained from any loot source but has a high chance of dropping from Blinding Banshee who is located in Desolation’s Edge on Eden-6.
4. Roisen’s Thorn
The Roisen’s Thorn is a Torgue Pistol. This weapon also always corrosive. It deals good damage against in impact mode as it spawns 4 additional projectiles. You can also set the ALT-fire into sticky mode, however, the damage really suffers compared to impact mode.
The Roisen’s Thorns can be obtained from any loot source but has a high chance of dropping from Princess Tarantella II who is located in The Splinterlands on Pandora.
3. Faisor
The Faisor is a Vladof Assault Rifle. This weapon really performs great in its ALT-fire mode. The Faisor can also shoot projectiles like a shotgun and this is when this Assault Rifle begins to wreck your enemies.
The Faisor can randomly be obtained from any loot source but has a high chance of dropping from the Atomic who is located in Tazendeer Ruins on Nekrotafeyo.
2. Insider
The Insider is a Maliwan Shotgun from the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC. This weapon shoots elemental projectiles that travel in a swirl. The Insider has no charge time and the projectiles explode on impact dealing increased splash damage.
The Insider can be obtained from any suitable loot source, as a world drop on Xylourgos. Check out this guide for Best Legendary Farm Location in DLC2.
1. Anarchy
The Anarchy is a Tediore Shotgun. This weapon can really stack up damage because every time the Anarchy automatically reloads it deals increased damage. The item card mentions that the accuracy suffers from this buff, however, it’s not noticeable. Try getting an Anarchy with the homing module because the bouncing ball on weapon throw has killed me many times.
The Anarchy can be obtained from any suitable loot source, as a world drop on Xylourgos, in the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC. Check out this guide for Best Legendary Farm Location in DLC2.
These are my recommendations as the best Corrosive weapons. If you have any suggestions or honorable mentions, then let me and the community know in the comments below.
Why do you want to use Corrosive Weapons?
When you are playing Borderlands 3 on True Vault Hunter Mode and/or Mayhem Mode, you will encounter a lot more enemies that have a yellow life bar. This yellow armor is only weak against Cryo and Corrosive damage, with Corrosive weapons being the most effective. Therefore, it is best to have some weapons with this element in your backpack. Because on the higher difficulty you want to match the elemental types against their corresponding targets. This way you make good use of your enemy’s weakness and therefore you can easily progress through the game.
Corrosive weapons will deal 150% damage against armor on normal mode and 175% damage against armored targets on True Vault Hunter Mode. So matching elements becomes very lucrative on higher difficulty tiers. Check out this guide if you want a complete breakdown of all the elemental damages.