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Best Dahl Assault Rifles in Borderlands 3

Best Dahl Assault Rifles in Borderlands 3
Best Dahl Assault Rifles in Borderlands 3

Gearbox Software increased the Dahl Assault Rifle damage in Borderlands 3 with their February 27, 2020, Hotfix Update. They adjusted the damage of the items because they lacked performance compared to S-Tier weapons while playing at the highest Mayhem Mode Level. This means that every Assault Rifle manufactured by Dahl received a 35% damage increase and now puts them into the top tier lists of Best Borderlands 3 Weapons.

Best Dahl Assault Rifles List

This list was originally created when the Dahl Assault Rifle buff took place and players were looking to take advantage of that. The Borderlands 3 End Game still resolved arournd Mayhem 4 and the Maliwan Takedown back then, however, this list has been updated to reflect the M10/11 Meta.


5. Star Helix

Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl Assault Rifle - Star Helix
Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl Assault Rifle – Star Helix

The Star Helix fires 2 additional projectiles per shot that will meet the central projectile at certain distances. Making the most of the additional projectiles requires correct spacing from the target.

This Dahl Assault Rifle is a solid weapon and reminds me of the Borderlands 2 Interfacer Shotgun because its projectiles kinda act similar.

The Star Helix can be obtained from any loot source but has a high chance of dropping from the Onyx/Black, Ruby/Red, and Citrine/Yellow Power Power Troopers who are located in Atlas HQ on Promethea.

4. Breath of the Dying

Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl Assault Rifle - Breath of the Dying
Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl Assault Rifle – Breath of the Dying

The Breath of the Dying has pretty good overall stats, as it has a large magazine size, high fire rate, quick reload speed, and good accuracy. The Breath of the Dying always has the corrosive element and is therefore very effective against Armored enemies.

The cool feature of this gun is that when killing an enemy with it, the enemy will explode and corrosive balls will fly in all directions. The explosion deals significant damage and is great for damaging nearby enemies.

This Dahl Assault Rifle is very effective at dealing damage against big armored enemies, making it a Wotan killer.

The Breath of the Dying can be obtained from any loot source but has a high chance of dropping from Blinding Banshee who is located in Desolation’s Edge on Eden-6.

3. Kaos

Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl Assault Rifle - Kaos
Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl Assault Rifle – Kaos

The Kaos is a great weapon to use because of its high stability and accuracy, you can target enemies with ease but the Kaos’ true power comes from its special ability. Killing enemies with this weapon will create an elemental explosion that can spread its elemental damage to nearby targets. This way you can create a chain of explosions that spreads like a disease across the combat zone.

The Kaos is a reference to Borderlands 3’s weapon designer. Why would he create a bad weapon for himself?

The Kaos can randomly be obtained from any loot source but has a high chance of dropping from Billy (Psychobillies) who is located in Ambermire on Eden-6.

2. Creeping Corruption

Borderlands 3 Legendary Assault Rifle - Creeping Corruption Screenshot
Borderlands 3 Legendary Assault Rifle – Creeping Corruption Screenshot

The Creeping Corruption is a great mobbing weapon because this Dahl Assault Rifle will debuff the enemies around you. Two homing corrosive orbs will spawn whenever you kill an enemy. These orbs will seek out a target and debuff them for the next 35 seconds. This effect can stack 3 times increasing your damage dealt by 33% with each debuff.

This Creeping Corruption deals decent damage but really shines once you take advantage of its special ability.

The Creeping Corruption is redeemable through Vault Card 3 which is part of The Director’s Cut. You need 5 Vault Card Keys to redeem this weapon. The Creeping Corruption won’t have an Anoint the first time you redeem it but subsequential redemptions will provide a variant with an Anointment.

1. Soulrender

Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl Assault Rifle - Soulrender
Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl Assault Rifle – Soulrender

The Soulrender is a Dahl Assault Rifle that randomly shoots homing skulls that deal massive damage. This weapon can be Full-auto, Semi-auto, or Burst fire. BTW. watch out for the purple skulls as they deal splash damage and will damage you, so don’t use them at point-blank.

The Soulrender is the best Dahl Assault Rifle in Borderlands 3. Moze players can really take advantage of splash damage bonuses and make this weapon exceptional.

The Soulrender has a 15% chance of dropping from Tom & Xam who are located in Heart’s Desire on Xylourgos.

More Awesome Weapons

Are you looking for more awesome weapons then check out the Best Legendary Weapons Guide. And if you have any weapon recommendations, then you can leave them in the comments below. Thanks

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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