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Best Grenades in Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 Best Grenades
Borderlands 2 Best Grenades

There are a ton of weapons in Borderlands 2, however, what are the best Grenade Mods in the game? In this Borderlands 2 Guide, I’m not just looking at Legendary Weapons but also the other rarities and tell you which Grenade Mods should be in your backpack. So get ready to farm these items.

Borderlands 2 Best Grenade Mods

These are your most powerful Grenade Mods in Borderlands 2.

6. Meteor Shower / Bonus Package

Borderlands 2 Legendary Grenade Mod - Bonus Package

The Meteor Shower and the Bonus Package are both MIRV grenades that drop additional MIRVs. They are both great at dealing a lot of damage in a specific area. The Meteor Shower is the stronger version of the two but also throws its MIRVS farther away this could result in the explosions not triggering in the desired area. But what’s not to love about having explosions with your explosions?

You can get the Legendary Bonus Package pretty early on in the game from Boom and Bewm which are located in Southern Shelf. However, if you have the Campaign of Carnage DLC, you can also purchase them at one of the Torgue Vending Machines.

You can purchase the Meteor Shower from the Seraph vendor in the Badass Crater of Badassitude for 120 crystals.

5. Antifection / Fire Bee

Borderlands 2 Effervescent Grenade Mod - Antifection

The Antifection and the Fire Bee are both flamer grenades as they will spray fire in a circular motion. In addition to that, they will also launch small fire projectiles in their surroundings that explode on impact.

You can get the legendary Fire Bee as a random world drop from any suitable source.

You can get an Effervescent Antifection from Cassius Leclemaine in Mt. Scarab Research Center in the Commander Lilith DLC.

4. Chain Lightning

Borderlands 2 Legendary Grenade Mod - Chain Lightning

The Chain Lightning shoots out a lightning bolt that can chain to other enemies that are in close proximity. It deals good damage and regenerates a grenade every 25 seconds giving you the ability to keep using it without the need to find ammo.

You can get a legendary Chain Lightning Grenade Mod from Badas Sorcerers in the Assault on Dragon Keep DLC. You can easily find them in the Lair of Infinite Agony.

3. The Electric Chair

Borderlands 2 Effervescent Grenade Mod - The Electric Chair

The Electric Chair is a Tesla grenade as it will shock everything in its surroundings. In addition to that, this grenade mod will launch 8 child grenades in its area that will also electrocute enemies. It is basically a more powerful version of the legendary Storm Front.

You can get the Electric Chair from Uranus in Helios Fallen in the Commander Lilith DLC.

2. Fastball

Borderlands 2 Legendary Grenade Mod - Fastball

The Fastball is the strongest grenade mod in Borderlands 2, however, it is thrown in a straight line like a baseball. This legendary Tediore grenade mod packs a punch but has as good as no blast radius. Therefore it is good for dealing damage to a single enemy. The Fastball’s unique throwing arc needs some getting used to but you will be able to one-tap enemies.

You can get the Fastball from Boll in Three Horns – Divide. You encounter them during the side quest “In Memoriam” but if you are lucky you can also get one as a random world drop.

1. Magic Missile

Borderlands 2 Epic Grenade Mod - Magic Missile

The Magic Missile is an awesome end game grenade mod because it allows you to easily slag enemies, which is something that is really needed in UVHM and while playing on the OP levels.

The Magic Missile launches multiple purple orbs that home in on an enemy and explode on impact. If you have an Rare Blue version it launches 2 orbs but you want an Epic Purple version as this will fire 4 orbs.

Because the Magic Missile is an Assault on Dragon Keep Spell it will regenerate grenade ammo over time, enabling you to keep throwing these projectiles at your enemies.

You can get the Magic Missile from Badass Wizards in the Assault on Dragon Keep DLC. You can easily find them in the Lair of Infinite Agony.

Honorable Mentions

These Grenade Mods might fall short on the “most powerful” list, however, that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful.

Contraband Sky Rocket

Borderlands 2 Unique Grenade Mod - Contraband Sky Rocket

The Contraband Sky Rocket is a special grenade mod that comes with the Borderlands 2 Collector’s Edition Pack. It’s a fun firework explosive, however, if you arc it just right you can manage to be pretty effective with this item. The Sky Rocket’s damage is linked to your character level and will always increase in damage whenever you level. This means you can use it throughout your playthrough without needing to find a different grenade mod. That said, it doesn’t scale with the OP levels as only enemies level up in that End Game mode and you don’t.

Bouncing Betty

Borderlands 2 Common Grenade Mod - Bouncing Betty

The Bouncing Betty is a common grenade mod that can be handy to slag raid bosses. It’s not fancy but effective.

You can get a Bouncing Betty as a random world drop from any suitable source, however, you can also farm a Bouncing Bonny or purchase a Crossfire from the Seraph vendor in the Badass Crater of Badassitude.


Borderlands 2 Seraph Grenade Mod - O-Negative

The O-Negative is the strongest transfusion grenade in the game. It spawns 8 homing child grenades when it explodes that will find a target and then heal you.

You can get the O-Negative from the Seraph Vendor in the Badass Crater of Badassitude, however, on UVHM you need to farm Pyro Pete in his bar.


These are the best Grenade Mods in Borderlands 2, however, that doesn’t take away that you can have fun with other Grenade Mods. If you think another Grenade Mod should be on this list, then let me know in the comments.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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