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Borderlands 3 Best Farm Locations: Maximize Your Legendary Loot Drops

Best Legendary Farm Location in Borderlands 3
Best Legendary Farm Location in Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 has a lot of legendary weapons but what are the best places to farm these powerful items, that’s a question I’m going to answer in this Borderlands 3 Guide. I will tell you the best farm locations, what you get from them, and multiple tips & tricks you can implement to get the most out of your run.

Farming Tips To Maximize Your Loot

Are you wondering what the best strategies are to maximize your loot drops in Borderlands 3, then you should implement these tactics to optimize your legendary loot farms because being in the ideal spot is just one facet of getting badass gear in the game.

  • Enable Mayhem Mode: Higher Mayhem Levels increase the drop loot quality.
  • Lootsplosion: The Lootsplosion Mayhem Modifier increases the chance of more loot.
  • Equip the Shlooter: The Shlooter increases your Legendary World Drop chance by 1000% for 12 seconds after you score a kill.
  • Enable Bloody Harvest: Floating Skulls appear when you enable the Bloody Harvest Event and the gold ones have a chance to drop Legendary Loot. The weapons can drop with Terror Anoints so you need Eridium if you want to Re-roll them. If you don’t want to deal with that enable the Revenge of the Cartels Event for more chances to earn loot.
  • Empty your backpack: Only bring the essentials for your farming runs so you have more space to collect new loot.
  • Killer Build: Create a character build that fits the farm. Quick Boss farms can utilize a One-Shot Build while farming mobs will require consistent damage and survivability.
  • Butt Stallion Milk: Use the Butt Stallion Milk from the Borderlands Science machine to increase your Loot Luck.

Best World Drop Gear You Should Check

You will receive a lot of World Drop Legendaries when farming the locations mentioned in this guide. Because the World Drop Loot Pool is pretty substantial in Borderlands 3, you can find a lot of items that aren’t effective at End Game, therefore, you can better farm the dedicated loot sources of the S-Tier items in Borderlands 3.

Keep your eyes out for these Base Game World Drop legendary items as they are very useful.

Best Legendary Farm Locations in Borderlands 3

There are multiple great locations where you can quickly farm Legendary Gear.

8) Graveward – The Floating Tomb

Graveward Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Graveward Location Guide – Borderlands 3

Graveward is the original punch bag of Borderlands 3 as it became a popular boss to farm early on in the game’s lifecycle due to its accessibility, its big crit spots, and the number of loot drops.

You will be farming Graveward for Base Game World Drops and The Lob. The Lob is a good base game legendary that still rocks but gets outshined by DLC items. So if you are starting out with farming legendary items, the Lob is a good place to start.

You can find Graveward at The Floating Tomb on the planet of Eden-6. There is a fast travel station right outside its Tomb where you can stack up on ammo.

7) Captain Traunt – Athenas

Captain Traunt Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Captain Traunt Location Guide – Borderlands 3

Captain Traunt became the second punching bag of the Borderlands 3 Community as folks grew tired of constantly farming Graveward.

You will be farming Captain Traunt for Base World Drops I mentioned above and the Kaoson (M6+). The Kaoson is one of the best Legendary SMGs in the game but you have to play on Mayhem Level 6 or higher to get the drop.

You can find Captain Traunt at the end of the map Athenas on Athenas. I recommend equipping a snowdrift artifact to speed up your sliding speed.

6) Agonizer 9000 – Guts of Carnivora

Agonizer 9000 Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Agonizer 9000 Location Guide – Borderlands 3

The Agonizer 9000 is one of the most fun bosses in the main game. With the right loadout, you can quickly dispose of this boss and start farming badass loot. The Agonizer 9000 is weak against corrosive, check out this guide for the best corrosive weapons.

You can find the Agonizer 9000 in the Guts of Carnivora on Pandora. In order to get to this boss fight, you do need to walk a long way through the map to reach the arena. I recommend equipping a snowdrift artifact to speed up the walk. There are also a few good skips that shorten your path.

You will be farming Agonizer 9000 for Base Game World Drops I mentioned above and the Backburner (M6+). The Backburner is one of the best Legendary Rocket Launchers in the game but you have to play on Mayhem Level 6 or higher to get the drop.

5) Slaughter Shaft

The Slaughter Shaft on Pandora is a really good place to get legendaries because you will encounter more badass enemies in this arena than other Circle of Slaughters.

The Shlooter artifact works great here due to the number of enemies you can defeat in quick succession.

You can easily reach the final round with a good character build and farm Titan for Eridium with this trick.

You will be farming the Slaughter Shaft for Base Game World Drops I mentioned above and Eridium.

4) Scraptrap – DLC#1

Borderlands 3 - DLC1 - Scraptrap Prime Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC1 – Scraptrap Prime Location Guide

Farming the Scraptraps isn’t just a good place for legendaries, it’s also a great place to level up to Max Level or farm XP for your Vault Cards.

Elemental Weapons can be beneficial for defeating the enemies but beware of the spicy water you create as most of the arena is a big puddle that will absorb the elemental damage and hurt you.

You will be farming the Scraptraps for DLC 1 World Drop Legendaries – basically every legendary in the DLC – and XP.

3) Freddie – VIP Tower (DLC#1)

Borderlands 3 - DLC1 - Freddie the Traitor Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC1 – Freddie the Traitor Location Guide

Freddie the Traitor is a great source for farming legendary gear because there is a trick to easily respawn him without Save-Quiting.

Travel to the VIP Tower and defeat all the Loaderbots in the second area before triggering the Freddie fight because there is a chance he spawns as an LVL2 enemy.

After you defeat Freddie, you need to fast-travel back to the start of the map and run back to the Freddie fight because he will respawn again as an LVL2 making him a very easy boss fight.

Take out one of his bodyguards before killing Freddie to trigger the Shlooter.

You will be farming for Freddie for DLC 1 World Drops such as the healing Heart Breaker shotgun but more noteworthy are the Class Mods because one of Zane‘s best class mods, the Seein Dead, comes from this DLC.

BTW. Don’t forget to defeat Loco Chantelle at the beginning of the map as this named enemy from the Mayor’s Killer Look sidequest can drop the Nukem.

2) Tom & Xom – DLC#2

Borderlands 3 - DLC2 - Tom & Xam Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC2 – Tom & Xam Location Guide

Tom & Xam are the best legendary farm locations in the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC because you can easily repeat this boss fight without “Save-Quitting” making it an ideal method for console players as their loading times tend to be longer.

You can farm Tom & Xam on the map Heart’s Desire on the planet Xylourgos. They are found near the “What Beats Beneath” fast travel station and you will be using this travel point throughout this legendary farm. Because during the boss fights, you only need to defeat 1 of them and then fast-travel back to the nearby fast-travel station. Jumping back into the boss fight will spawn the duo again and you can repeat the process.

Sadly there isn’t an Ammo vendor next to the fast-travel station but you can quickly travel to the one at the start of the map or you use these tricks to regenerate your ammo.

You will farm Tom & Xam for DLC 2 World Drop Legendaries such as the Anarchy, Skullmasher, and the Old God but also their dedicated loot drop; the Soulrender as it is an awesome Assault Rifle that shoots homing skulls that deals Splash Damage.

2) Heavyweight Harker & Arms Race (DLC#5)

Borderlands 3 - DLC 5 Boss - Heavyweight Harker
Borderlands 3 – DLC 5 Boss – Heavyweight Harker

Arms Race and its final boss, Heavyweight Harker, can drop some of the best loot and are quickly available when jumping into Borderlands 3, however, getting those Arms Race legendaries can be challenging.

You want to farm Arms Race for the Torrent, Plasma Coil, and several others. Check out my Arms Race Loot Map to optimize your run.

1) Kormash – Ashfall Peaks (DLC#3)

Borderlands 3 - DLC3 - Kormash Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC3 – Kormash Location Guide

Kormash is the best place to farm legendary loot because of its loot pool and the quality of the loot as many top-tier Borderlands 3 items fall in the Bounty of Blood World Drop Loot Pool.

Kormash is a boss encounter located in Ashfall Peaks on the Planet Gehenna. You will be farming him for the Light Show, Beacon, Flipper, Unkempt Harold, and many more.

Just defeat one of his minions before taking him out to trigger the Shlooter.

What’s your favorite farm location in Borderlands 3? Let me and the community know in the comments below.


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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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  1. Don’t really have a spot I just planet hop and find whatever drops.

  2. I’ve just been through the anvil and there’s plenty of offerings to be had if you’re starting out with farming


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