Gearbox Software added new Legendary items to Borderlands 3 with the release of the Guns, LOVE, and Tentacles DLC, however, the Borderlands community struggles to obtain these items because most of them don’t have a dedicated loot source. In this Borderlands 3farming guide, I’m going to tell you the best locations to get these World Drop legendaries so you don’t have to wander aimlessly through the DLC2 maps.
Table of contents
Best Legendary Farm Location for Weapons
The best location for farming legendary weapons inside Borderlands 3 Guns, Love, and Tentacles is inside the mansion towards the end of the DLC. You can get most of the new legendary weapons from this location.
The Skullmasher originally didn’t drop from bosses and could only be obtained from Portal Chests, however, this got patched in the April 24, 2020 update.
Use the “What Beats Beneath” fast travel station to go to the map; Heart’s Desire on the planet Xylourgos because this will place you just 1 room away from this amazing farm location.
Now, progress through the map as you would normally do and you will encounter the boss duo; Tom & Xam. This is where you will be farming all the legendary gear but there is a trick involved.
You can only defeat 1 of the 2 bosses during this encounter and when you accomplish that, you need to fast travel back to the “What Beats Beneath” fast travel station because this will reset the boss fight with Tom & Xam. So when you jump back into the fight, both bosses will spawn again, allowing you to quickly farm these bosses without needing to Save&Quit the game each time.
Loot will stay on the ground, so you can farm these bosses dozens of times and see the mini-map fill itself with legendary icons. You can use the Auto-sell feature to clean up lower-tier rarities.
Note: There isn’t a Vending Machine in this area, therefore, you should bring a lot of ammo. You could fast travel to the entrance but there are a few tricks to regenerate your ammo in Borderlands 3.
- Map: Heart’s Desire
- Fast Travel Station: What Beats Beneath
- Target: Tom or Xam
Best Legendary Farm Location for Class Mods
The best location for farming legendary class mods inside Borderlands 3 Guns, Love, and Tentacles is during the honorable battle with Eista in this DLC. New Class Mods are always exciting as they can completely change up your character’s build if you are lucky enough to find one because I didn’t encounter a single one during my playthrough until I found this location.
You encounter Eista during this DLC’s main quest as he will challenge you to an honorable battle. Challenging him 3 more times will transform Eista into an “Invincible Boss” and a solid source for the new legendary class mods.
- Map: Skittmaw Basin
- Fast Travel Station: Clan Amourette
- Target: Eista the Invincible
Additional Resources
Looking for something else to farm in Borderlands 3 Guns, Love, and Tentacles, then check out these unique portal chests. They initially were the main source for the Skullmasher Sniper.
Borderlands 3 Guns, LOVE, and Tentacles also has rare enemy spawns. These badasses not only have their own dedicated legendary items but they also drop additional legendary items like the class mods and other world drops. Here is a guide so you can find all the rare spawn enemies in DLC#2.