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Best Purple Weapons in Borderlands 2

Featured Image showcasing the Borderlands 2 Psycho with the text "EPIC PURPLE"

There are a lot of great weapons in Borderlands 2 and while the community is tirelessly farming awesome legendary items, you should not sleep on these epic purple weapons because they can outperform their legendary counterpart.


Screenshot of the Hyperion Shotgun called the Practicable Thinking in Borderlands 2

The Thinking is a Hyperion Shotgun that performs really well in mid-range combat. The spread of the pellets is already pretty tight and only gets better due to Hyperions stabilization tech.

The Thinking is kinda like the Legendary Conference Call, minus the legendary effect.

Preferably you want the Practicable prefix and a Hyperion Grip and Torgue Stock on this weapon.


Screenshot of the Jakobs Shotgun called the Rustler's Quad in Borderlands 2

The Quad is a quick 2 shot Jakobs Shotgun that can deal tons of damage at point blank. Preferably you want the Rustlers or Doc’s prefix on it. You can also Sidewinder Prefix if that has synergy with your character. For specific weapons parts, you should look out for a Jakobs Grip and Hyperion Stock.

  • Salvador can use it as his offhand weapon.
  • Krieg can combine this weapon with the Blood Lust Skill to spam this weapon.
  • Gaige can really stack up those stacks with this weapon


Screenshot of the Mailwan Sniper called the Barking Snider in Borderlands 2

This Maliwan Sniper is one of the most powerful non-legendary sniper rifles in the game. Because it’s always elemental it benefits from elemental bonuses and can outperform Jakobs Snipers. Definitely a great elemental sniper for your Zero Sniper build.

Preferably you want the Barking or Gentleman’s prefix and a Maliwan or Jakobs Grip and Hyperion or Dahl Stock on this weapon.


Screenshot of the Vladof Pistol called the Purging Anarchist in Borderlands 2

The Anarchist is a Vladof Pistol that has a really high DPS. You can also find an Uncommon green version of this weapon and it will carry you during the early game. All-in-all a great weapon for every Vault Hunter to carry in their backpack. The Anarchist does eat through your ammo, something that the Infinity pistol does not but its DPS isn’t as high as the Anarchist.

Preferably you want the Dva prefix as this will make it an X2 version but the Vengeful and Purging prefixes are also great. But look out for a Vladof Grip.


Screenshot of the Torgue Shotgun called the Casual Ravager in Borderlands 2

The Ravanger is a powerful Torgue Shotgun that deals additional splash damage on top of its base card damage. The Ravanger benefits from both Gun and Grenade Damage Bonuses and therefore is definitely a weapon for every Axton player. The weapon does fall off against enemies and bosses that resist Grenade Damage.

Preferably you want the Casual or Sinewy prefix but you can also rock the Desperate prefix if that has synergy with your character. Keep an eye out for a Torgue Grip and Hyperion Stock.

Honorable Mentions

If you have any honorable mentions leave them in the comments below.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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