There are a lot of weapons in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands and commonly with Looter-Shooters, it’s all about that Legendary Gear. However, in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, you don’t want to skip out on these purple rarity weapons as they can actually outperform their legendary counterparts.
You can simply get these weapons as a world drop on your initial playthrough making it easy to run through the campaign or deal with that nasty boss called Dry’ll. However, when you already managed to reach the end game, you can easily get them from the Barf Bunnies in the Chaos Chamber.
These Purple Weapons Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands are better than Legendary Weapons in the game and you should definitely farm them!
Table of contents
The Lewdit is a Torgue Pistol and it’s a beast when you set it to its alt-firing mode. The damage amplification from the Crossbolts and the Stick Mode can really get out of control. Because you are getting +6% melee damage for each Crossbolt you land on a target but you are also getting +35% Damage from each Sticky you land on an enemy.
Ideally, you want to get the x3 version of the Lewdite but you can also get an x2 version of this gun.
The best way to increase its damage is to increase the weapon’s magazine size as this allows you to stack the amplification bonuses even further. You can do this through your Myth Rank and Gear (Passive Skills on Amulets or Rings).
The Lewdite can be even more fun when combined with the Barboload Amulet as that gives you a 22% chance to fire Crossbolts to nearby enemies & refund a portion of ammo.
The Nightshade is a Dalhia SMG and can come in various elements but you want the one that deals Frozen damage. While the other elements shoot an elemental beam, the Frozen elemental version fires multiple projectiles.
Initially, the Nightshade starts off with a high fire rate but as you continue to fire the fire rate will slow down as your magazine size diminishes. You can set the weapon to burst-fire to negate that, however, I do prefer the full-auto version.
You can easily get a green rarity version of the Nightshade in the starting area of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. When entering the castle in Snoring Valley, you will soon find a loot chest that contains an uncommon Nightshade. The Green rarity does deal less damage but can still carry you through the Chaos Chambers. However, you can also look out for a Hyperius version of this weapon.
The Fearnot is a Fediore Pistol that transforms into a Pixie when you throw the weapon upon reloading. The great thing about the Fearnot version is that the Pixies deal Spell Damage but they also benefit from Companion Damage increases. This allows you to do some insane damage by investing in the right build.
Because you can quickly spam the Fearnot reload, you can summon up to a bunch of Pixies to do your dirty work, however, there is a shared cap of 15 for flying companions, this includes the Demi-Lich, Wyvern, and Flying Guns.
Whanot, Wantnot, and Nonot Fediore Pistols summon Pixies that do Gun Damage.
If you want a Shotgun variant, then check out a Feriore Bloodshot as they are also awesome!
The Scalawag is a full-auto Skulldugger Pistol that can measure itself up against the popular Legendary Liquid Cooling. While the latter only comes in the Frozen element, the Scalawag can actually come in any element and non-elemental which lets you match the weapon to your build. The only real advantage that the Liquid Cooling has is that it reduces its heat when scoring a critical hit.
You want to look out for a version that shoots multiple projectiles (x2 or x3) as you can really rack up the damage bonuses from the Crossbolts. Each Crossbolt that you stuck in a target increases the damage by 3%.
The Scalawag can also shoot magic missiles that home into enemy targets when you miss. This makes it really easy to stack up the Crossbolt damage bonus.
Honorable Mentions
- Torgue:
- “Bawdy Rocker” Shotgun with x18 pellet count
- “Encrapsulator” Assault Rifle
- Blackpowder: “Sootcough” weaponry will do work.
- Magic Spells: There are really cool Purple Spells that wreck!