Gearbox Software has hidden a Lord of the Rings Easter Egg in Borderlands 2. This easter egg will require you to take something from the beginning of the game all the way to the end. In this guide, I’m going to tell you where you can find it and how to activate it.
Borderlands 2 The Lord of the Rings Easter Egg Guide
- Requirements: Discovered the “Eridium Blight” area on True Vault Hunter Mode.
1. Go to Claptrap’s Place
Use a Fast Travel Station to Claptrap’s Place in Windshear Waste.
2. Obtain the Gear From The Fireplace
There is a fireplace in the main room of Claptrap’s place. You will find a Gear inside the fireplace that you need to collect.
3. Walk to Eridium Blight
Just like the Hobbits in the Lord of the Rings, you will need to travel toward the volcano by foot. You cannot use a fast travel station or a vehicle in order to successfully complete this easter egg. You can also don’t die during your journey, which can be difficult during the final section traversing the volcano.
- Claptrap’s Place / Windshear Waste
- Southern Shelf
- Three Horns Divide
- You can walk on the edge of the bridge.
- Three Horns Valley
- The Fridge
- The Highlands – Outwash
- The Highlands
- The Dust
- Eridium Blight
4. Meet Geary
You need to meet up with Geary at the top of the volcano in Eridium Blight. This Psycho will act as your Gollum from Lord of the Rings.
You successfully completed the easter egg if Geary slaps you and then jumps into the lava. When that happens a few Rakk will come drop off a few loot chests that provide high-quality loot.
If Geary keeps slapping you, then you did something wrong and need to retry the whole thing from start to finish.