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Borderlands 2: How to Find the Minecraft Easter Egg

Borderlands 2 Minecraft Easter Egg Guide
Borderlands 2 Minecraft Easter Egg Guide

Gearbox Software has hidden a Minecraft Easter Egg in Borderlands 2. In this guide, I’m going to tell you how you can find it and what secrets you can get from there.

You need to have completed chapter 9 of Borderlands 2’s main story campaign in order to access the Minecraft Easter Egg. This is after the big moment at Sanctuary and you are able to enter the Caustic Caverns underneath the city.

Borderlands 2 Minecraft Easter Egg Guide

1. Go to the Caustic Caverns

Use a Fast Travel Station to get there or travel to Sanctuary Hole if you haven’t discovered the area just yet. You can access it after completing Chapter 9.

2. Travel to the NorthWestern area of the Caustic Caverns

There are two train tracks in the northwestern area of the Caustic Caverns. This location is called the “Guardian Ruins”.

Borderlands 2 Minecraft Map Location
Borderlands 2 Minecraft Map Location

3. Locate Minecraft Cave

There is a hidden cave containing the Minecraft easter egg on the right side of the train tracks.

Borderlands 2 Minecraft Cave Location
Borderlands 2 Minecraft Cave Location

4. Access Minecraft Cave

The entrance to the cave is blocked (pun intended) by the iconic Minecraft blocks. You will need to punch them in order to carve your way inside.

Borderlands 2 Minecraft Cave Entrance
Borderlands 2 Minecraft Cave Entrance

5. Avoid Creepers

You will encounter the classic Minecraft creepers inside this hidden cave area. They will walk towards you and then explode in your face. A single creeper can put you on the edge of “Fight for Your Life” when you are at full health.

Borderlands 2 Minecraft Easter Egg Cave
Borderlands 2 Minecraft Easter Egg Cave

Minecraft Easter Egg Rewards

There are several unique items that you can obtain in the hidden Minecraft cave. There are themed head and skin customization items that feature the aesthetics of the game. Then there also is the legendary Longbow sniper rifle that can only drop from Badass Creepers.

You can smash the various blocks for loot and there is a small chance you can get the themed cosmetic item from them. The purple blocks can be mined for Eridium, while it’s a nice way to get some of this rare currency there are faster ways to get Eridium in Borderlands 2.

Block TypeLoot
Coal / GreyAmmo
Gold / YellowMoney
Amethyst / PurpleEridium
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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