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Borderlands 3: All Skin to Win Locations Guide

Borderlands 3 DLC 3 Skin to Win Guide
Borderlands 3 DLC 3 Skin to Win Guide

Slaying all of Skin to Win is one of the Crew Challenges in Borderlands 3‘s third DLC; Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption. In this objective, one of the side characters, Ezra, asks you to hunt down rare and dangerous beasts so he can put their hides on display in his shop in Vestige. You will come across 8 targets throughout this story campaign add-on.

In this Borderlands 3 Guide, I’m going to tell you where you can find them and what your reward is for completing this challenge. None of the Skin to Win Locations are missable as you can still complete the quest if you already completed the DLC.

All 8 Skin to Win Locations

There are 8 Skin to Win Locations hidden throughout the Bounty of Blood DLC. They will appear on your mini-map once you get close enough. Then you need to defeat the named enemy in order to check off the objective. I have grouped these 8 targets by each map and the progression throughout the DLC.

The Blastplains “Skin to Win”

1. Vorducken

Borderlands 3 - DLC3 - Vorducken Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC3 – Vorducken Location Guide

Vorducken is located in The Blastplains on the Planet Gehenna. You will encounter it near the “The Hasty Retreat” area. They are also the dedicated loot source for the Legendary Satisfaction

2. Pterodomini

Borderlands 3 - DLC3 - Pterodomini Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC3 – Pterodomini Location Guide

Pterodomini is located in The Blastplains on the Planet Gehenna. You will encounter it near the “Amplicore Veins” area but you need to have unlocked the teleporters. They are also the dedicated loot source for the Legendary Dowsing Rod.

3. Slithermaw

Borderlands 3 - DLC3 - Slithermaw Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC3 – Slithermaw Location Guide

Slithermaw is located in The Blastplains on the Planet Gehenna. You will encounter them in the cave in the “King’s Teeth” area. They are also the dedicated loot source for Legendary Mother Too.

Ashfall Peaks “Skin to Win”

4. Abbadoxis

Borderlands 3 - DLC3 - Abbadoxis Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC3 – Abbadoxis Location Guide

Abbadoxis is located in Ashfall Peaks on the Planet Gehenna. You will encounter it beyond the waterfalls in the Babelbrook area. Use the jump pad to gain access. They are also the dedicated loot source for the Legendary Contained Blast.

Obsidian Forest “Skin to Win”

5. Lectrikor

Borderlands 3 - DLC3 - Lectrikor Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC3 – Lectrikor Location Guide

Lectrikor is located in Obsidian Forest on the Planet Gehenna. You will encounter it in a side area after The Last Dig area. They are also the dedicated loot source for the Legendary Frequency.

6. Lasodactyl

Borderlands 3 - DLC3 - Lasodactyl Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC3 – Lasodactyl Location Guide

Lasodactyl is located in Obsidian Forest on the Planet Gehenna. You will encounter it in a side cave after Crone’s Contentment area. They are also the dedicated loot source for the Legendary Light Show.

7. Hydragoian

Borderlands 3 - DLC3 - Hydragoian Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC3 – Hydragoian Location Guide

Hydragoian is located in Obsidian Forest on the Planet Gehenna. You will encounter it in a side area in the Tallyway Station area. They are also the dedicated loot source for the Legendary Proprietary License.

Bloodsun Canyon “Skin to Win”

8. Minosaur

Borderlands 3 - DLC3 - Minosaur Location Guide
Borderlands 3 – DLC3 – Minosaur Location Guide

Minosaur is located in Bloodsun Canyon on the Planet Gehenna. You will encounter it in a side area at the start of the map in the Talbot’s Footsteps area. They are also the dedicated loot source for the Legendary Flipper.

Skin to Win Rewards

You need to kill all 8 dangerous beasts across Gehenna for Ezra’s Crew Challenge in order to receive the “That’s Quite Challenging” achievement/trophy.

Completing this quest will also reward you with the exclusive “Devil Tooth” Weapon Trinket that will be delivered to your in-game mailbox.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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