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Borderlands 3 All Zero’s Targets of Opportunity Locations

A guide for the "Target of Opportunity" Crew Challenge in Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 Target of Opportunity Guide

Targets of Opportunity is one of the Crew Challenges in Borderlands 3. You need to take out 10 mini-bosses in order to complete this challenge. These missions are given to you by the assassin called Zer0.

Each target has its own dedicated loot drops however once you defeated every one of them, Zer0 will reward you with the Lyuda. This powerful Legendary Sniper will then be waiting for you in the in-game mail. On top of that, you will unlock the “Zer0ed In” trophy/achievement upon completing the Targets of Opportunity Crew Challenge.

When you get close to one of the targets a prompt by Zer0 will be triggered. Also, an icon with two swords will appear on your map. If you managed to defeat the mini-boss the Icon will appear faded and they will be marked as dead on Zer0’s bounty board on Sanctuary III.

Zer0 on Sanctuary 3 in Borderlands 3
Zer0’s Bounty Board on Sanctuary 3

Targets of Opportunity on Pandora

There are 3 targets that you need to assassinate on Pandora. They are Hot Karl, DJ DeadSk4g, and Crushjaw.

Hot Karl

Hot Karl Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Targets of OpportunityHot Karl
LocationDevil’s Razor
GuideHot Karl is hiding in a small COV camp north of Roland’s Rest. Turn left from the Fast Travel Station and make your way up the slopes. Keep to the side of the mountain and make your way across the container. Drop down and continue to follow the path.
Dedicated LootEmbrace the PainPain is Power, and Sledge’s Shotgun

DJ DeadSk4g

DJ DeadSk4g Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Targets of OpportunityDJ DeadSk4g
LocationThe Splinterlands
GuideDJ DeadSk4g is hiding in The Rave Club. It’s to the left of the location where you have to sacrifice a car.
Dedicated LootEpicenter and the Pull Out Method


Crushjaw Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Targets of OpportunityCrushjaw
LocationCathedral of the Twin Gods
GuideCrushjaw can be found in the Eridium Sluice area near the end of the map.
Dedicated LootJericho and the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Targets of Opportunity on Promethea

There are 3 targets that you need to assassinate on Promethea. They are Baron Noggin, Handsome Jackie, and Judge Hightower.

Baron Noggin

Baron Noggin Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Targets of OpportunityBaron Noggin
LocationMeridian Metroplex
GuideBaron Noggin is hiding in a small underground chamber a short distance southwest of “Dynasty Diner”.
Dedicated LootSuperball and the Executor

Handsome Jackie

Handsome Jackie Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Targets of OpportunityHandsome Jackie
GuideHandsome Jackie is hiding below the Observation Deck.
Dedicated LootHandsome Jackhammer and the Nimble Jack

Judge Hightower

Judge Hightower Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Targets of OpportunityJudge Hightower
LocationLectra City
GuideJudge Hightower and his gang can be found in a small base near the Plant.
Dedicated LootCarrier and the Conference Call

Targets of Opportunity on Eden-6

There are 3 targets that you need to assassinate on Eden-6. They are the Sky Bullies, Jackle and Hyde, and the Psychobillies.

Sky Bullies

Sky Bullies Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Targets of OpportunitySky Bullies
LocationThe Anvil
GuideSky Bullies can be found in The Devil’s Saucepan area.
Dedicated LootRebel Yell and the Hex

Heckle and Hyde

Heckle and Hyde Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Targets of OpportunityHeckle and Hyde
LocationJakobs Estate
GuideHeckle and Hyde can be found in a small walled-off area to the west from Leery Hamlet before you arrive at the servent’s lift.
Dedicated LootAlchemist and the Pestilence


Psychobillies Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Targets of OpportunityPsychobillies
GuidePsychobillies can be found behind the waterfall next to the Rogue’s Hollow. Jump to the right when jumping out the window.
Dedicated LootDevil’s FoursumKaos, and the Electric Banjo

Targets of Opportunity on Nekrotafeyo

There is only 1 target that you need to assassinate on Nekrotafeyo and that is the duo Atomic & Sylestro.

Atomic & Sylestro

Atomic & Sylestro Location Guide - Borderlands 3
Targets of OpportunityAtomic & Sylestro
LocationTazendeer Ruins
GuideAtomic & Sylestro are located on one of the outer edges of the map. You need to go through the jungle and into the Maliwan camp.  At the crossroad in the camp, you want to go left and follow it all the way through. Atomic & Sylestro will spawn behind the big plant on the left.
Dedicated LootPestilence and the Spiritual Driver
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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