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Borderlands 3: Arms Race Legendary Weapon List

Borderlands 3 Arms Race Legendary Weapon List
Borderlands 3 Arms Race Legendary Weapon List

Arms Race is a stand-alone game mode that is part of the Designer’s Cut that was released on November 10th, 2020. This 5th DLC package is part of Season Pass 2 but can also be purchased individually. The package contains the Arms Race Mode and an additional skill tree for each of the Vault Hunters.

Arms Race has its own unique Legendary items that you need to extract in order to use them. If you are looking for the Legendary Class Mods that compliment the new purple Skill Trees, they only drop in Arms Race.

Personally, I have had fun with the new mode, you can read all about it in my Arms Race Review.

Best Arms Race Legendary Weapons

These are my favorite legendaries that you can obtain in Arms Race. But be sure to check out all weapons as my playstyle might not reflect yours.

Legendary Weapon List

DLC5 contains a bunch of new legendary items. While they drop inside the Arms Race map, you can only start using them when you extracted the item to Sanctuary 3. Throughout the Arms Race match, you can find these extractors. With these, you can send your newfound loot back home to your bank on Sanctuary 3.

Gearbox Software added new legendary items to Arms Race on April 8, 2021. This free update came alongside the release of The Director’s Cut.

Arms Race Class Mods

Arms Race Map

The Arms Race Legendary items all have an increased chance of dropping from specific chest locations as shown on this map.

Arms Race Red Chest Loot v3 - Borderlands 3
Arms Race Red Chest Loot v3 – Borderlands 3
LocationItem 1Item 2Item 3Item 4
ACritical ThugHotfoot TeddyTorrent
BDark ArmyPlasma CoilSpy
CHoly GrailDeathrattleKensei
DGas MaskMadcapToboggan
EHOT SpringBeskarInfernal Wish
FClockwork ResFirefly
GBoogeymanBinary OperatorEternal FlameKickcharger
HTizzyTrickshot3RROR Cmdl3t
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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