Home » Guides » 9 Best Legendary Shotguns in Borderlands 3 That Every Vault Hunter Should Have

9 Best Legendary Shotguns in Borderlands 3 That Every Vault Hunter Should Have

Borderlands 3 Best Legendary Shotguns
Borderlands 3 Best Legendary Shotguns

Best Legendary Shotguns

There are a lot of legendary Shotguns in Borderlands 3 but like any true Vault Hunter, you only want to best of the best. This weapons guide will tell you exactly which pistols you should have equipped in your inventory. So get ready to farm these babies:

9. Guardian 4N631

Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun - Guardian 4N631
Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun – Guardian 4N631

The Guardian 4N631 is a Hyperion Shotgun with a unique damage amplifier because it will deal more damage the further away you are from the enemy. This damage can crank up to 400% however, the weapon’s projectile speed is pretty slow making it more difficult to obtain that damage buff.

The Guardian 4N631 itself isn’t always that great but its special ability can help you elevate your build as the damage buff also affects your other damage outputs. This means your (homing) grenades can also deal 400% damage. There is a cool Moze Build that keeps triggering grenades that benefit from the Guardian 4N631.

The Guardian 4N631 is a Director’s Cut exclusive Legendary. You can get one by leveling up your ‘Fallen Heroes’ Vault Card. It will cost you 5 ‘Fallen Hero’ Vault Card Keys.

xxx9445 x9xx
xxx8157 x12xx
xxx7045 x16xx
xxx6297 x18xx
xxx5438 x24xx
xxx4696 x32xx
Guardian 4N631 Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

8. Flakker

Borderlands 3 Legendary Torgue Shotgun - Flakker
Borderlands 3 Legendary Torgue Shotgun – Flakker

The Flakker is a Torgue shotgun that creates a series of explosions at a set distance. If you can manage to get the ideal distance between you and your target, you not only have a nice explosive fireworks show but also a storm of destruction.

This Torgue shotgun works best on bigger enemies as the explosions are randomized and therefore don’t consistently hit smaller mobs. That said, it’s still a fun and powerful weapon to use but like in Borderlands 2, you need to know how to master this weapon.

The Flakker can be randomly obtained from any loot source but it has a 15% chance of dropping from Manvark who is located in Konrad’s Hold on Pandora.

23672 x3x18938 x3xx17754 x3
Flakker Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

7. Butcher

Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun - The Butcher
Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun – The Butcher

The Butcher is a high-fire-rate Hyperion Shotgun, therefore, it can eat pretty fast through your ammo, however, its special legendary effect has a chance of refilling the weapon’s current clip giving you more free shots.

The Butcher has a bit of a kickback but if you can manage to land your shots, you can keep firing the weapon for a while, way beyond the listed magazine size.

The Butcher can be randomly obtained from any loot source. But it has a high chance of dropping from Raging Titan who is located in the Final round of the Slaughter Shaft on Pandora. It can also be obtained from Crazy Earl by using Loot-o-Grams that you can get from Dinklebot in Skywell-27 on Promethea.

19958 x316964 x315966 x315966 x315966 x314968 x3
13305 x611309 x610644 x610644 x610644 x69979 x6
The Butcher Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

6. Hellwalker

Borderlands 3 Legendary Jakobs Shotgun - Speedloadin' Hellwalker
Borderlands 3 Legendary Jakobs Shotgun – Speedloadin’ Hellwalker

The Hellwalker is a Jakobs Shotgun that shoots in a pentagram pattern and each critical hit will ricochet a fire projectile at the nearest enemy.

This is the Doom shotgun in Borderlands 3 and the game fully plays into that with the weapon’s pellet pattern, mechanics, and sound. This shotgun is a beast and its fixed bullet pattern makes it a reliable weapon to use.

The Hellwalker can be randomly obtained from any loot source but it has a high chance of dropping from Road Dog who is located in The Splinterlands on Pandora.

xx47654 x10xxx
Hellwalker Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

5. Face Puncher

Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun - Face-Puncher
Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun – Face-Puncher

The Face Puncher is a Hyperion Shotgun that is rather unique because it deals Melee damage instead of regular gun damage. This allows you to create interesting builds with artifacts, for example, providing you with Health or Ammo regeneration but you can also turn this into an elemental or explosive weapon.

The damage on the item card doesn’t seem like much but the Face Puncher holds up in End Game due to Mayhem Scaling giving it a x16 damage multiplier on Mayhem Level 10/11 making it a top-tier legendary item.

The Face-puncher can be obtained from any farmable loot source but has a high chance of dropping from Muldock, the Anointed who is located in Floodmoor Basin on Eden-6.

2737 x7xxxxx
1825 x14xxxxx
Face-Puncher Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

4. Convergence

Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun - Convergence
Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun – Convergence

The Convergence is a Hyperion Shotgun that rises to the top of the best shotguns in the game. For each pellet that is listed on the item card, the projectile will spawn 3 more pellets on impact. These additional pellets will travel outwards for a short distance before converging into the target.

The Convergence has a low fire rate and magazine size but the weapon makes up for it in raw damage making it one of the best Shotguns in Borderlands 3.

The Convergence has an increased chance of dropping from Dr. Benedict who is located at the Benedict of Pain in Krieg’s Mind.

16421 x313958 x313137 x313137 x313137 x312316 x3
15600 x413260 x412480 x412480 x412480 x411700 x4
10948 x69305 x68758 x68758 x68758 x68211 x6
10400 x88840 x88320 x88320 x88320 x87800 x8
Convergence Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

3. Reflux

Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun - Reflux
Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion Shotgun – Reflux

The Reflux is a Hyperion Shotgun that always comes in the Corrosive element making it ideal for Armored Enemies. Damaging enemies will create a Corrosive beam between the target and a nearby enemy. This chain will transfer damage to the linked target.

The Reflux works similarly to the Brainstormer but that shotgun only comes with the Shock element and has a lower base damage.

The Reflux is Mayhem Mode 6 or higher Legendary. You can get it from GenIVIV who is located in Voracious Canopy on Eden-6.

xxxx17953 x7x
xxxx11969 x14x
Reflux Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

2. Trevonator

Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan Shotgun - Trevonator - LVL65
Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan Shotgun – Trevonator – LVL65

The Trevonator is a Maliwan Shotgun that shoots a burst of orbs that explode on impact. While most Maliwan weaponry needs to charge up, the Trevonator fires instantly with devastating power.

This is the best base game shotgun in Borderlands 3, it’s powerful and easy to obtain early on in the game.

The Trevonator can be randomly obtained as a world drop from any loot source but it has a 15% chance of dropping from Private Beans who you can farm at the graveyard located on Athenas.

x29461 x329461 x329461 x329461 x329461 x3
x19641 x619641 x619641 x619641 x619641 x6
Trevonator Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

1. Anarchy

Borderlands 3 Legendary Tediore Shotgun - Unlimited Firesale Anarchy
Borderlands 3 Legendary Tediore Shotgun – Unlimited Firesale Anarchy

The Anarchy is a Tediore Shotgun with a stacking mechanic and when you manage to get ALLL THE STACKS, the Anarchy will deal A LOT OF DAMAGE!!!

Reloading the weapon or killing an enemy provides you with a +30% Weapon Damage boost which can be stacked up 10 times. This grants you +1379% Weapon Damage at Max stacks!!!

I love that this is a callback to Gaige from Borderlands 2 but personally, I don’t like these stacking mechanics. That said, the Anarchy allows you to do a ton of damage making it one of the best Borderlands 3 Shotgun.

You can give this weapon to Zane’s Clone but it also needs to build up stacks before it goes all out.

The Anarchy can be obtained from any suitable loot source, as a world drop on Xylourgos, in the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC. Check out this guide for Best Legendary Farm Location in DLC2. It also has a 12.5% chance of dropping from Kukuwajack who is located in Negul Neshai.

4941 x94200 x93953 x93953 x93953 x93706 x9
4471 x103800 x103577 x103577 x103577 x103353 x10
4694 x123990 x123755 x123755 x123755 x123521 x12
4941 x134200 x133953 x133953 x133953 x133706 x13
4471 x153800 x153577 x153577 x153577 x153353 x15
4694 x183990 x183755 x183755 x183755 x183521 x18
4247 x203610 x203398 x203398 x203398 x203185 x20
Anarchy Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

If you have any honorable mentions, let me know in the comments below.


More Legendary Weapons

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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27 5


  1. Hmmm damn fam, tough question. Personally brainstormer w/ 100% bonus cryo. Or the reflux w/ the same anoint

  2. Reflux because of https://t.co/YaqMNqiLGa

  3. Tigg’s Boom

  4. Oooooof this is a tuffy…… Recursion, Reflux, Brainstormer……. I’ll take the Recursion with me

  5. Brainstormer!

  6. curious if u noticed the nerf on the hellwalker. Last night I was using it at 260k dps and tonight its down to 42k dps.

    • Did the hotfix didn’t go through?


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