Home » Guides » 10 Best Legendary SMGs in Borderlands 3 That Every Vault Hunter Should Have

10 Best Legendary SMGs in Borderlands 3 That Every Vault Hunter Should Have

Borderlands 3 Best Legendary SMGs

There are a lot of legendary SMGs in Borderlands 3 but like any true Vault Hunter, you only want to best of the best. This weapons guide will tell you exactly which SMG you should have equipped in your inventory. So get ready to farm these babies:

Best Borderlands 3 Legendary SMGs

10 – DNA

Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan SMG - DNA
Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan SMG – DNA

The D.N.A. is a Maliwan SMG that shoots 2 projectiles that are connected with each other and travel in a circular motion like a Double Helix DNA string.

The DNA is a powerful submachine gun but projectiles contain a random element each time and therefore aren’t always as effective as they could be.

The D.N.A. is Mayhem Mode 6 or higher Legendary. The DNA can also drop from the Raid Bosses in the Guardian Takedown but your best chance is to get it from General Traunt who located in Desolation’s Edge on Nekrotafeyo. The DNA also occasionally appears in Maurice’s Black Market.

DNA Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

9 – Kybs Worth

Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan SMG - Kyb's Worth
Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan SMG – Kyb’s Worth

The Kyb’s Worth is a Maliwan SMG that shoots multiple projectiles that travel in a wave pattern. Killing an enemy will spawn a 10-second healing aura. You can only have 1 healing aura active at a time.

The Kyb’s Worth comes equipped with a front-facing shield that are usually only found on Hyperion weapons. Aiming down-sight will activate the shield and whenever it absorbs any damage it will increase your weapon’s damage for 6 seconds.

This weapon is best suited for medium-range combat because that’s when the projectiles are still near to each other making it a more effective weapon. Ideally, you want to use this weapon to push through heavy combat areas – like a Takedown – as the healing auras give you a new advantage point each time you move forward.

The Kyb’s Worth can be obtained in Maliwan’s Blacksite, it has a high chance of dropping from Wotan the Invincible.

x24520 x224520 x224520 x224520 x224520 x2
x23352 x323352 x323352 x323352 x323352 x3
Kyb’s Worth Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

8 – Redistributor

Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion SMG - Redistributor
Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion SMG – Redistributor

The Redistributor is a Hyperion SMG where every 7th shot will deal +50% AMP damage and chains to nearby enemies. Since this is a fast-firing SMG, the 7th shot will frequently occur giving you a lot of damage potential when dealing with mobs.

Playing as Zane allows you to non-stop trigger the weapon’s legendary by equipping the Barrier action skill because every bullet that goes through the Barrier will get AMP damage and therefore the chain lightning effect from the Redistributor.

The Redistributor can be obtained in Maliwan’s Blacksite, it has a high chance of dropping from Wotan the Invincible.

Redistributor Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

7 – Torrent

Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl SMG - Torrent - LVL65
Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl SMG – Torrent – LVL65

The Torrent is a Dahl SMG with a ridiculously high fire rate and every 10th bullet deals increased shock damage. The projectiles travel in a corkscrew pattern and can deal great damage, however, the projectiles travel at a lower speed than regular submachine guns making it more difficult to hit fast-moving targets.

The Torrent is a returning weapon from Borderlands the Pre-Sequel and now an Arms Race exclusive Legendary in The Designer’s Cut.

The Torrent can randomly drop from any suitable loot source within the Stormblind Complex located on Pandora, however, you have a high chance of getting it from a Red Chest in the Seepage & Creepage area.

xx19389 x2x19389 x218177 x2
Torrent Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

6 – Needle Gun

Borderlands 3 Legendary Tediore SMG - Needle Gun
Borderlands 3 Legendary Tediore SMG – Needle Gun

The Needle Gun is a Tediore SMG that shoots slow-moving homing projectiles that apply a stacking debuff to enemies. You can stack this debuff 10 times by hitting your target once every 2 seconds or else the debuff resets. Achieving the maximum debuff stacks will refill Needle Gun’s magazine (there is a cooldown on the refill effect).

The Needle Gun Reload Explosion is the highest damage Tediore Reload Explosion in the game as it deals [500% x Card Damage x leftover Bullets]. Also, continuous firing of the Needle Gun will increase the fire rate.

The Needle Gun is a Revenge of the Cartels Legendary. You can get it from Josie Byte, Franco Firewall, and Joey Ultraviolet in Villa Ultraviolet during the Revenge of the Cartels Event.

8801 x27481 x27041 x27041 x27041 x26601 x2
Needle Gun Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

5 – Blood-Starved Beast

Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl SMG - Blood-Starved Beast
Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl SMG – Blood-Starved Beast

The Blood-Starved Beast is a Dahl SMG that shoots small energy orbs that pierce through enemies which then have a chance to explode dealing 15x the weapon’s damage.

The Blood-Starved Beast is a top choice for any Vault Hunter because it performs as a beast with its high fire rate and great damage. This weapon will consume your ammo fast but it gets the job done. There is an x3 variant; however, that variant is less effective than the x2 version in terms of ammo consumption.

You can get this Dahl SMG as a Full-Auto, Semi-Auto, or 4-Round Burst variant.

The Blood-Starved Beast has an increased chance of dropping from Evil Lilith who is located at Castle Crimson in Krieg’s Mind. Farming Evil Lilith isn’t always the most fun so keep your eyes out for Maurice’s Black Market as Blood-Starved Beast occasionally makes an appearance there. 

x9743 x29170 x29170 x29170 x28597 x2
x7795 x37336 x37336 x37336 x36878 x3
Blood-Starved Beast Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

4 – Kaoson

Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl SMG - Kaoson
Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl SMG – Kaoson

The Kaoson is a Dahl SMG that shoots stickies like a Torgue weapon. After the initial impact damage, the stickies will explode after a few seconds, dealing the second chunk of damage.

You can get this Dahl SMG as a Full-Auto, Semi-Auto, or 4-Round Burst variant.

The Kaoson is Mayhem Mode 6 or higher Legendary. You can get it from Captain Traunt who is located at the end of Athenas.

21886 x218603 x217509 x217509 x217509 x216415 x2
Kaoson Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

3 – Smog

Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion SMG - Smog
Borderlands 3 Legendary Hyperion SMG – Smog

The Smog is a Hyperion SMG with a unique front-facing AMP shield that increases your weapon’s damage to 250% while aiming down sight. This AMP effect is only active when your weapon’s front-facing shield is at max capacity.

Killing an enemy will instantly recharge your front-facing shield to full capacity, however, FL4K and Zane players can easily utilize the weapon’s special ability by using their action skills. FL4K’s can use it when utilizing Fade Away or when their pet is taunting. Zane can hide behind his own Barrier shield to protect the Smog’s front-facing shield from taking any damage at all.

The Smog has a high chance of dropping from Scourge the Invincible during the Guardian Takedown which is located on Minos Prime.

Smog Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

2 – Flipper

Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan SMG - Flipper
Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan SMG – Flipper

The Flipper is an SMG that takes the Maliwan Charge-up mechanic to the next level because continuous firing will increase the projectile count.

While the projectile count increases (1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 9) and therefore the damage continues to stack up, the amount of ammo consumption stays the same throughout the process.

The Flipper is great for any Vault Hunter but Moze players get the most out of this weapon as it also deals splash damage.

The Flipper has an increased chance of dropping from Minosaur who is located in Bloodsun Canyon on Gehenna.

Flipper Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

1 – Plasma Coil

Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan SMG - Plasma Coil
Borderlands 3 Legendary Maliwan SMG – Plasma Coil

The Plasma Coil is a Maliwan SMG that quickly shoots a 16-round burst of elemental orbs. This weapon is locked to the Shock + Radiation elemental combo making it highly effective against shielded enemies, however, the Plasma Coil’s high base damage will swiftly destroy anything in its path.

The Plasma Coils is without doubt the best SMG in Borderlands 3, however, obtaining one isn’t the easiest task because it is an Arms Race exclusive Legendary in The Designer’s Cut.

The Plasma Coil can randomly drop from any suitable loot source within the Stormblind Complex located on Pandora but you have a high chance of getting one from the Red Chest in the Madwidth Power area.

Plasma Coil Max Damage Numbers LVL 72 (M10)

If you have any honorable mentions, let me know in the comments below.


More Legendary Weapons

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