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Borderlands 3 Reroll Machine: Customize Your Gear Anointments

Crazy Earl's Re-Roll Machine - Borderlands 3
Crazy Earl's Re-Roll Machine - Borderlands 3

Crazy Earl’s Reroll Machine is a new feature that lets you change the anointment on a specific piece of gear in Borderlands 3. Gearbox Software added this Anoint Reroll Machine on April 8, 2021, as a free update alongside the release of Borderlands 3’s Director’s Cut.

Where is the Reroll Machine located in Borderlands 3?

Borderlands 3 Screenshot showcasing the location of the reroll machine
Borderlands 3 Crazy Earl’s Anoint Reroll Machine

The Anointment Reroll Machine can be found in the Cargo Bay of Sanctuary III as it is located next to Crazy Earl’s door and directly across from the Veteran’s Reward Machine.

How to change Anoints in Borderlands 3?

Borderlands 3 Screenshot showcasing how Crazy Earl's reroll machine works
Borderlands 3 Reroll Machine Interface

You can change the anointment of a piece of gear by using Crazy Earl’s Reroll Machine. The price of changing the anoint is 250 Eridium per reroll. Once you rerolled the anoint there are no takesy backsies. You can reroll an item as many times as you like, as long as you have the Eridium to pay for it.

  1. Interact with the Crazy Earl’s Reroll Machine

  2. Select an item you want to Reroll

  3. Confirm that you want to change the anoint

Is changing Anointments worth it?

Anointments play a significant role in Borderlands 3’s end-game as they can push your character build to the next level. Farming for a specific god roll is time-consuming but with Crazy Earl’s contraption, you can replace the existing anointment for one that compliments your build. Check out the best Anointments for your Character.

Reroll Machine FAQ

Where can I find the Borderlands 3 Reroll Machine?

Crazy Earl’s Reroll Machine is located in the Cargo Bay of Sanctuary III as it is located next to Crazy Earl’s door and directly across from the Veteran’s Reward Machine.

How much does it cost to reroll an Anointment?

Rerolls cost 250 Eridium each time you want to change the anointment on a piece of gear.

Why can’t I reroll this item?

Gear without an Anoint can’t be rerolled to add one and in some cases, Modded items don’t appear in the reroll machine.

Why don’t I get the Anoint I want?

There are a lot of anointments in Borderlands 3 and the game switches randomly between them, it also doesn’t take your character or previous anoints into account.

Why is it so expensive to change the Anointment?

Not getting the perfect weapon easily is part of Borderlands’ game design. The Developers want you to keep playing. Shortcutting that experience doesn’t achieve that goal but here is a guide for getting more Eridium, Fast & Easy!

Does Rerolling an item change the item’s stats?

No, the reroll machine only changes the item’s Anoint, not the base stats like Damage, Accuracy, Reload Speed, etc.

Source: 2K News Room & Borderlands.com

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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  1. If this is a joke, I swear to god you are getting such a strongly worded tweet. https://t.co/QLs3nMoskc

  2. I’m hella sus for anything I see on Twitter today.

  3. Nothing is true today.

  4. Haha Randy approval lol


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