Bosses and Loot Pools
Like in previous Borderlands games, the Bosses in Borderlands 3 also have a unique legendary item assigned to them. Since Bosses respawn, they are farmable. The great thing about Borderlands 3 is that there is a checkpoint before each boss. This makes farming bosses less tedious as you can spawn just outside their doorstep when you want to defeat that boss again. Just simply go in the menu, save&quit, and hop back into the game. That checkpoint will now function as a spawn point. So you don’t have to run through entire dungeons anymore in order to farm bosses.
Change Log
- Lootpool Update July 23, 2020
- With the July 23, 2020 Patch, GBX spread the legendary loot pool and assigned items to other enemies/bosses.
- Added Slaughter Domes, Proving Grounds, and more Named Enemies info to the list.
- Added Mayhem Level 6 Items
- With the release of Mayhem Mode 2.0, GBX added M6 exclusive legendary items.
- Added Mayhem Level 4 Items
- With the release of M4, some bosses received exclusive Mayhem Level 4 gear.
- Lootpool Update November 21, 2019
- Due to community feedback Gearbox Software assigned more legendary items to Bosses and Named Enemies. Before the update, these items could only be randomly obtained through world drops.
Unique Legendary Boss Drops
Below you will find a quick overview of all the boss drops. As soon as I have all the individual pages up of all the specific items I’ll link to them. I’m currently working on a complete overview of all the legendary items.
Story Bosses
All bosses are listed in order of appearance.
- Location: Pandora, Covenant Pass – Guide
- Drops: Ripper, Moxxi’s Bouncing Pair
- Location: Pandora, Ascension Bluff – Guide
- Drops: Mindkiller, Nemesis
- Location: Promethea, Meridian Metroplex – Guide
- Gigamind exclusively drops the Smart Gun XXL, When you throw this Tediore SMG it will have legs and a brain.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Red Card.
Katagawa Ball
- Location: Promethea, Skywell-27 – Guide
- Katagawa Ball drops the Brainstormer
- Mayhem 6 Legendary Drop: Multi-tap
Katagawa Jr.
- Location: Promethea, Atlas HQ – Guide
- Katagawa Jr. drops the Storm, Firestorm, and Crossroads
- Mayhem 6 Legendary Drop: Sand Hawk
The Rampager
Captain Traunt
- Location: Athenas – Guide
- Mayhem 4 Legendary Drop: Tankman’s Shield
- Mayhem 6 Legendary Drop: Kaoson
- Location: Eden-6, The Anvil – Guide
- Warden exclusively drops the Freeman, Take control with this Rocket Launcher as you can guide the missiles yourself.
- Mayhem 6 Legendary Drop: Plaguebearer
- Location: Eden-6, Voracious Canopy – Guide
- Drops: Polybius, Ten Gallon
- Mayhem 6 Legendary Drop: Reflux
Billy, The Anointed
- Location: Eden-6, Jakobs Estate – Location Guide
- Billy, The Anointed drops the Lead Sprinkler
- Mayhem 4 Legendary Drop: Raging Bear
- Location: Eden-6, Blackbarrel Cellars – Guide
- Aurelia exclusively drops the Frozen Heart, This shield will create a cryo nova that will freeze your opponents and steals their health. Also, the Firestorm Grenade is in her loot pool.
- Mayhem 4 Legendary Drop: Juliet’s Dazzle
The Graveward
- Location: Eden-6, The Floating Tomb – Guide
- The Graveward exclusively drops the Grave, Artifact that gives bonuses as your health gets lower, increased FFYL duration, also drops Ward, Shield that buffs stats when your shield is depleted (great melee shield usually).
- Additional Legendary Drops: The Lob.
Agonizer 9000 / Pain & Terror
- Location: Pandora, Guts of Carnivora – Guide
- The Agonizer drops the Dictator, White Elephant, and the Damned
- Mayhem 4 Legendary Drop: Crader’s EM-P5
- Mayhem 6 Legendary Drop: BackBurner
General Traunt
Troy Calypso
- Location: Nekrotafeyo, The Great Vault – Guide
- Troy Calypso exclusively drops the Occultist, This Pistol will fire rocket projectiles.
- Mayhem 4 Legendary Drop: Vosk’s Deathgrip
Tyreen the Destroyer
- Location: Pandora, Destroyer’s Rift – Guide
- Tyreen Calypso exclusively drops the King’s Call and Queen’s Call, Critical hits with this Pistol will split the bullet into 3 projectiles that will ricochet to the nearest target.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Bitch
Mouthpiece Boss Fight – Borderlands 3
Side Mission Bosses
- Location: Promethea, Lectra City – Guide
- Killavolt exclusively drops the Shocking 9-Volt, This pistol is great for taking down shields with its triple projectile three-round burst.
- Mayhem 6 Legendary Drop: The Monarch
Private Beans
- Location: Athenas, Dido’s Remorse – Location Guide
- Legendary Drops: Trevonator, Front Loader, Westergun.
Rare Spawn Drops
- Location: Pandora, The Droughts – Location Guide
- Demoskaggons drop the Night Hawkin, a badass SMG that switches between cryo and incendiary damage depending on the time of day.
- Additional Legendary: Monocle
Road Dog
- Location: Pandora, Splinterlands – Location Guide
- Road Dog exclusively drops the Redline, This shotgun is a beast and shoots a missile barrage.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Splatter Gun, Hellwalker.
Princess Tarantella II
- Location: Pandora Splinterlands – Location Guide
- Tarantella exclusively drops the Hive, This Rocket Launcher will shoot a Hive that will spit out mini-missiles.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Roisen’s Thorns, Re-Router.
Captain Thunk and Sloth
I’m Rakkman
- Location: Pandora, Carnivora – Location Guide
- Rakkman exclusively drops the Night Flyer, Pistol that leaves enemies at one health, fully auto when airborne.
- Additional Legendary Drop: Night Hawkin
Borman Nates
- Location: Promethea, Meridian Outskirts – Location Guide
- Borman Nates exclusively drops the Psycho Stabber, Pistol with 120% Melee damage that shoots daggers.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Cutsman, Sawbar.
- Location: Promethea, Skywell-27 – Location Guide
- Dinklebot exclusively drops a Loot-o-gram you give to Earl that has a chance to turn into a Butcher or Lucian’s Call
Wick and Warty
- Location: Promethea, Lectra City – Location Guide
- Wick Drops: Phebert, Black Hole
- Warty Drops: AAA, Quasar
Urist McEnforcer
- Location: Promethea, Lectra City – Location Guide
- Urist McEnforcer exclusively drops the Crossbow, Sniper that shoots crossbow bolts.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Re-Charger.
Red Jabber
- Location: Eden-6, Ambermire – Location Guide
- Drops: Rough Rider, Storm, Firestorm
- Location: Eden 6, Voracious Canopy – Location Guide
- Drops: The Horizon, ASMD
El Dragon Jr
- Location: Eden 6, Jakob’s Estate – Location Guide
- El Dragon Jr exclusively drops the Unleash the Dragon, Artifact that makes your slide, slam, and melee all ignite.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Stop-Gap
The Unstoppable
- Location: Eden 6, Ambermire – Location Guide
- The Unstoppable exclusively drops the Band of Sytorak, Shield with weapon bonuses when depleted and higher max health.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Big Boom Blaster, Devastator.
Power Troopers
- Location: Promethea, Atlas HQ – Location Guide
- Sapphire, Tourmaline Force Trooper: Vanquisher, Tran-fusion, Hyperfocus XZ41, Destructo Spinner.
- Ruby, Citrine, Onyx Force Trooper: Nova Berner, Star Helix, Thunderball Fist, Surge
Indo Tyrant
- Location: Eden 6, Floodmoor Basin – Location Guide
- The Indo Tyrant drops the following Legendary items: Woodblocker, Unforgiven, Gunerang.
Mother of Grogans
- Location: Eden 6, The Anvil – Location Guide
- The Mother of Grogans drops the following Legendary items: Creeping Death, Hornet
Pandora Screenshot Rakk – Borderlands 3
Hammerlock’s Crew Challenge Drops
Crawly Family
- Location: Pandora, Droughts – Location Guide
- The Crawly Family exclusively drops the Predatory Lending, SMG that uses money instead of ammo.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Linoge
- Location: Pandora, Ascension Bluff – Location Guide
- Skrakk exclusively drops the SkekSil, Pistol with seven round burst that also shoots energy balls.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Infiltrator
- Location: Pandora, Splinterlands – Location Guide
- Phoenix exclusively drops the Phoenix Tears, Artifact with 100% health on Second Wind.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Deathless, Malak’s Bane
- Location: Pandora, Konrad’s Hold – Location Guide
- Manvark drops the Flakker and Try-Bolt.
- Location: Athenas – Location Guide
- Legendary Drops: Chupa’s Organ, Nagata.
Brood Mother
- Location: Nekrotafeyo, The Pyre of Stars – Location Guide
- Brood Mother drops the Devoted, Baby Maker, Scourge.
Blinding Banshee
- Location: Nekrotafeyo, Desolation’s Edge – Location Guide
- Blinding Banshee drops the Breath of the Dying, Red Queen.
- Location: Pandora, Devil’s Razor – Location Guide
- Drops: Impaler, Boring Gun
Chonk Stomp
- Location: Eden-6, Floodmoor Basin – Location Guide
- Drops: Garcia, Ruby’s Wrath
- Location: Eden-6, Voracious Canopy – Location Guide
- Drops: Hellfire (Kill it with fire), Magnificent
Zero’s Crew Challange Drops
Baron Noggin
- Location: Promethea, Meridian Metroplex – Location Video
- Baron Noggin drops: Superball, Executor
Handsome Jackie
- Location: Promethea, Skywell-27 – Location Video
- Handsome Jackie exclusively drops the Nimble Jack, Shotgun with good airborne accuracy, one shot.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Handsome Jackhammer.
Judge Hightower
- Location: Promethea, Lectra City – Location Video
- Judge Hightower Drops: Carrier, Conference Call.
Hot Karl
- Location: Pandora, Devil’s Razor – Location Video
- Hot Karl exclusively drops the Sledge’s Shotgun, Shotgun with huge mag and double burst fire.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Pain is Power, Embrace the Pain
DJ Deadsk4g
- Location: Pandora, The Splinterlands
- Drops: Epicenter, Pull Out Method
Heckle and Hyde
- Location: Eden 6, Jakob’s Estate – Location Guide
- Heckle and Hyde drops the Alchemist, Pestilence
- Location: Eden 6, Ambermire – Location Video
- The Psychobillies exclusively drops the Electric Banjo, Artifact with 20% chance for chain lightning on a shot.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Kaos, Devils Foursum.
Sky Bullies
- Location: Eden 6, The Anvil – Location Video
- Legendary Drops: Hex, Rebel Yell.
- Location: Pandora, Cathedral of the Twin Gods – Location Guide
- Drops: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Jericho
Atomic & Sylestro
- Location: Nekrotafeyo, Tazendeer Ruins. – Location Guide
- Sylestro Loot Drops: Pestilence, Spiritual Driver (M4)
- Atomic Loot Drops: Red Suit, Faisor, EMP
Maliwan Blacksite Screenshot 003 – Borderlands 3
Slaughter Domes
Blue Fire
- Location: Slaugherstar 9000
- Drops: Lucian’s Call, Rocket Boots
Red Rain
- Location: Slaugherstar 9000
- Drops: Rowan’s Call, Launch Pad
Tremendous Rex
- Location: Cistern of Slaughter
- Drops: Cold Warrior, Lyuda
Alacritous Vanda
- Location: Cistern of Slaughter
- Drops: Scourge, Baby Maker
Proving Grounds
Hag of Fervor
- Location: Skydrowned Pulpit
- Drops: Shockerator, Phasezerker
Sera of Supremacy
- Location: Hall Obsidian
- Drops: Elementalist, Nimbus
Arbalest of Discipline
- Location: Precipice Anchor
- Drops: Friend bot, Antifreezer (M4)
Tyrant of Instinct
- Location: Wayward Tether
- Drops: Cosmic Stalker, Red Fang
Skag of Survival
- Location: Gradient of Dawn
- Drops: Bloodletter, Breaker
Tink of Cunning
Pandora Named Enemies
- Location: Pandora, The Droughts
- Drops: TK Wave, Tidal Wave
- Location: Pandora, The Droughts
- Drops: Barrage
- Location: Pandora, The Droughts
- Drops: Bearcat
- Location: Pandora, The Droughts
- Drops: Tunguska
Under taker
- Location: Pandora, The Droughts
- Drops: Kill O’ the Wisp, Storm Front
- Location: Pandora, Devil’s Razor
- Drops: Gatling Gun, Commander Planetoid
Tink Train
- Location: Pandora, Guts of Carnivora
- Drops: Wagon Wheel, Moxxi’s Endowment
Big Donny + Turret
Queen Ant Wanette
- Location: Pandora, The Splinterlands
- Drops: Transformer, Warlord
- Location: Pandora, Konrad’s Hold
- Drops: The Flood, Long Musket
Rachel, the Anointed
Promethea Skyline Borderlands 3
Promethea Named Enemies
- Location: Promethea, Meridian Outskirts
- Drops: Widowmaker
- Location: Promethea, Meridian Outskirts
- Drops: Messy Breakup
Archer Rowe
- Location: Promethea, Meridian Metroplex
- Drops: Mind Sweeper, Back Ham
- Location: Promethea, Lectra City – Location Guide
- Drops: Krakatoa, Rocketeer
One Punch
- Location: Promethea, Lectra City – Location Guide
- One Punch exclusively drops the One-Pump Chump, Shotgun with one round and massive damage.
- Additional Legendary Drops: Sleeping Giant
Eden-6 Jabbers – Borderlands 3
Eden-6 Named Enemies
Turnkey Tim
- Location: Eden-6, Floodmoor Basin – Location Guide
- Drops: Maggie, Shooting Star
- Location: Eden-6, Floodmoor Basin
- Drops: Cosmic Crater, Static Charge
Muldock, the Anointed
- Location: Eden-6, Floodmoor Basin – Location Guide
- Drops: Rectifier, Face Puncher
Dreg & Rage (Mother of Grogans Dragons)
- Location: Eden-6, The Anvil – Location Guide
- Drops: Hunter Seeker, Quadomizer
Vice (Mother of Grogans Dragon)
- Location: Eden-6, The Anvil – Location Guide
- Drops: DE4DEYE
Anointed Alpha
- Location: Eden-6, The Anvil – Location Guide
- Drops: Linc, Ogre, Infinity
Anointed x2
- Location: Eden-6, The Anvil – Location Guide
- Drops: The Companion
- Mayhem 4 Drop: S3RV-80S-EXECUTE
Anointed x3
- Location: Eden-6, The Anvil – Location Guide
- Drops: The Companion
- Mayhem 4 Drop: S3RV-80S-EXECUTE
Anointed x4
- Location: Eden-6, The Anvil – Location Guide
- Drops: Sickle, Bear Trooper
King Bobo
- Location: Eden-6, Voracious Canopy – Location Guide
- Drops: Headsplosion, Lasersploder
King Gnasher
- Location: Eden-6, Voracious Canopy
- Drops: Westergun, Blaster Master
- Location: Eden-6, Jakobs Estate
- Drops: Victory Rush, Rakk Commander
Nekrotafeyo Screenshot 005 – Borderlands 3
Nekrotafeyo Named Enemies
Lt. Preston
- Location: Nekrotafeyo, Tazendeer Ruins
- Drops: Bounty Hunter, Scorpio
- [DLC 1] Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot Legendary Weapons
- [DLC 2] New Guns, Love, and Tentacles Legendary Items
- [DLC 3] Bounty of Blood Legendary Items
- [DLC 4] Fantastic Fustercluck Legendary Weapons
- All Mayhem 4 Legendary Weapons
- All Mayhem 6 Legendary Weapons
- Bloody Harvest Legendaries
- Broken Hearts Day Legendaries
- Revenge of the Cartels Legendaries
- Guardian Takedown Legendaries
- Best Borderlands 3 Legendary Weapons
- Best Legendary Assault Rifles in Borderlands 3
- Best Legendary Grenade Mods in Borderlands 3
- Best Legendary Pistols in Borderlands 3
- Best Legendary Rocket Launchers in Borderlands 3
- Best Borderlands 3 Legendary Shields
- Best Legendary Shotguns in Borderlands 3
- Best Legendary SMGs in Borderlands 3
- Best Legendary Snipers in Borderlands 3
- All Borderlands 3 Legendary Items
- Borderlands 3 Weapon Tier List
- Best Early Game Weapons
- Best Legendary No DLC Weapons in Borderlands 3
- Best Recently Buffed Legendary Weapons
- Best Corrosive Weapons
- Best Shock Weapons