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Borderlands 3: How to get the Cloning Maddening Tracker

Borderlands 3 - Cloning Maddening Tracker Guide
Borderlands 3 - Cloning Maddening Tracker Guide

One of the most sought-after Grenade Mods in Borderlands 3 is the Cloning Maddening Tracker and it isn’t even a legendary item! This EPIC Purple Grenade Mod has a set of components that really work well together and it’s easy to use.

Cloning Maddening Tracker Breakdown

Cloning Maddening Tracker Grenade Mod in Borderlands 3
Cloning Maddening Tracker Grenade Mod

Here is a breakdown of each of the components that make a Cloning Maddening Tracker Grenade Mod.

HomingThe grenade will fly toward a nearby target.
DividerYour grenade will split in two.
MIRVGrenades that explode will drop 3 MIRV grenades.
BounceGrenades will bounce and explode 3 times.

How a Cloning Maddening Tracker Works

This is how the Cloning Maddening Tracker grenade mod works. Because of the “Divider” part, you don’t throw 1 but 2 grenades, because they are “Homing” they will both seek out a target and explode on impact. This explosion will drop 3 new grenades because of the MIRV component. Since you threw 2 grenades, you now have 6 grenades that will seek out a nearby target. All of these grenades will then bounce and explode onto their target. Remember all of these grenades are still homing grenades, therefore, they will fly back into the enemy with each bounce. When the enemy dies during this bombardment, the grenades will simply find a new target to bully.

How to get a Cloning Maddening Tracker

The Cloning Maddening Tracker doesn’t have a dedicated loot source. Therefore, you must find it in the wild as a “World Drop” item. A strategy that commonly is used is Vendor farming. You quickly save&quit the game and jump back into the game.

The best place to farm is nearby a vending machine that sells Grenade Mods.

Good vending machine farm locations are the Meridian Metroplex, Rolands Rest, and Boomtown as you got all 3 types of vending machines near the spawn.

If you are specifically farming for the Cloning Maddening Tracker, you can also farm at Graveward or the Ruiner (Bounty of Blood DLC).

Cloning Maddening Tracker Tips

The Cloning Maddening Tracker works great with Moze’s Mind Sweeper Class Mod because explosions can trigger more explosions. It’s also a great grenade mod to use with a consecutive hits anointment because the damage from the explosions keeps the stacks from the anoint up.

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