The ‘Borderlands the Presquel Save File Editor‘ by Gibbed let’s you create new save files or modify existing save data in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. For example you can level up your Vault Hunter, add more money, skip missions, and add awesome weapons to your backpack. Check here if you are looking for the Borderlands 2 Save File Editor.
How to install:
Install on PC
- Download the latest version of the Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor.
- (Optional) .NET Framework 4 is necessary to run Gibbed’s Save Editor. You need to install this if your PC doesn’t already has this.
- Open Gibbed’s
- Click “Open”. PC should be the platform selected by default.
- Navigate to your save folder. Gibbed’s should already be here by default.
C:\Users\(Your Username)\My Documents\My Games\BorderlandsPreSequel\WillowGame\SaveData\76561201192991173 - Open your save and mod away.
Install on Xbox
- Download the latest version of the Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor.
- (Optional) .NET Framework 4 is necessary to run Gibbed’s Save Editor. You need to install this if your PC doesn’t already has this.
- Download Horizon. You need this to extract and inject your save files from the Xbox platform.
- Copy your save data from your Xbox to an USB drive.
- Open Horizon
- Select your save file and extract it to your preferred location on your PC.
Optional: Make a backup of your save
- Drag and Drop the Save0000.sav file into Horizon
- Click the “Contents” tab and extract the SaveGame.sav file.
- Open Gibbed’s
- Click “Open” and select Xbox as your platform in the dropdown menu.
- Select your SaveGame.sav file.
- Mod your save as you please.
- Save and Replace the SaveGame.sav
- Drag and Drop the Save0000.sav file back into Horizon
- Click the “Contents” tab, Right Click the SaveGame.sav file, select “Replace”, and select the SaveGame.sav file you just created.
- Save, Rehash, and Resign
- Save To Your USB Device
Install on Playstation 3
- Download the latest version of the Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor.
- (Optional) .NET Framework 4 is necessary to run Gibbed’s Save Editor. You need to install this if your PC doesn’t already has this.
- Download these additional tools:
- BruteForce (V 3.8) – Used To Decrypt Save File
- Bruteforce Dependencies – Needed To Run Bruteforce
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable – Needed To Run Bruteforce
- Drag and drop your entire save folder from your USB Device to your preferred location on your PC
Optional: Make a backup of your save
- Open Bruteforce.
- Navigate to your save folder
- Select your save file and click “Decrypt PFD” and “Decrypt All Files”
- Open Gibbed’s
- Click “Open” and select PS3 as your platform in the dropdown menu.
- Open the save file you decrypted
- Mod the save as you please
- Save And Replace the save file in the PS3 folder you copied from the USB Device
- Open BruteForce, select “Update PFD (Full)”, then select “Encrypt PFD” and “Encrypt All Files”
- Open your USB Device and replace the save folder with the one you created
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor Overview:
- Save Slot
- Platform – Change this to whatever platform you want the save to be played on
- Class – Determines which character class the save is
- Experience Level – Determines your character’s level (1-61)
- Sync Button adjusts your level according to your experience points.
- Experience Points – Determines how much xp your character has
- Sync Button adjusts your points according to your experience level.
- General Skill Points – Determines how many skill points you have to spend in your skill trees
- Specialist Skill Points – Unknown
- Name – Determines your character’s name as set in the Quick Change Station
- Head – Determines which head your character is wearing in game
- Skin – Determines which skin your character is wearing in game
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor by Gibbed – 2 Character Tab
- Class – Determines which character class the save is
- Experience Level – Determines your character’s level (1-61)
- Sync Button adjusts your level according to your experience points.
- Experience Points – Determines how much xp your character has
- Sync Button adjusts your points according to your experience level.
- Overpowered Level – Not relevant for this game
- General Skill Points – Determines how many skill points you have to spend in your skill trees
- Specialist Skill Points – Unknown
- Name – Determines your character’s name as set in the Quick Change Station
- Head – Determines which head your character is wearing in game
- Skin – Determines which skin your character is wearing in game
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor by Gibbed – 3 Vehicle Tab
Use the dropdown menu’s to set a default skins for your Moon buggy or Stingray.
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor by Gibbed – 4 Currency Tab
- Credits – Max is 99999999 in game
- Moonstone – Max is 500 in game
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor by Gibbed – 5 Backpack Tab
- New Weapon – Create a new weapon from scratch to appear in your backpack in game
- Note: Use Drop-Down menu to create a DLC Weapon
- New Item – Create a new item from scratch to appear in your backpack in game
- Note: Use Drop-Down menu to create a DLC Item
- Paste Code – Used to paste weapon and item codes from your clipboard. These codes are generated by the save editor.
- Sync Equipped – Syncs equipped items to your current Experience Level
- Sync All – Syncs all items in the backpack to your current Experience Level
Right-Clicking items in the backpack will give you four options:
- Copy Code – Will copy the weapon code to your clipboard
- Duplicate – Will make a duplicate of the item selected
- Bank – Presumably this should move the item to the bank from the backpack but appears to be broken at the moment.
- Delete – Deletes the item selected from the backpack.
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor by Gibbed – 6 Bank Tab
- New Weapon – Create a new weapon from scratch to appear in your bank in game
- Note: Use Drop-Down menu to create a DLC Weapon
- New Item – Create a new item from scratch to appear in your bank in game
- Note: Use Drop-Down menu to create a DLC Item
- Paste Code – Used to paste weapon and item codes from your clipboard. These codes are generated by the save editor.
- Sync Equipped – Syncs equipped items to your current Experience Level
- Sync All – Syncs all items in the backpack to your current Experience Level
Right-Clicking items in the backpack will give you four options:
- Copy Code – Will copy the weapon code to your clipboard
- Duplicate – Will make a duplicate of the item selected
- UnBank – Presumably this should move the item to the backpack from the bank but appears to be broken at the moment.
- Delete – Deletes the item selected from the backpack.
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor by Gibbed – 7 Raw Tab
- ActiveMissionNumber– The mission number you currently have selected.
- AwesomSkillDisabled– This is you Badass Rank, if this the box is checked then when you load your game, all of your will be disabled.
- BlackMarketUpgrades– Here you can change the amount of SDUs you have bought from the Black Market(Ammo, Bank, Inventory Space).
- BodySwitches –
- ChallengeList– Here it shows a list of the Challenges that you can complete in game. Have yet to mess with it.
- DiscoveredInteractiveObjectCompassIcons –
- DLCExpansionData– The ID number associated with the DLC (Ex. Pirate’s Booty = 1).
- FullyExploredAreas– Here is a list that shows the regions you have fully uncovered.
- InventorySlotData– Can’t change.
- ItemData– Here you can add items to your character(Relics). Havn’t needed to use it before.
- LastPlaythroughNumber– It might state what playthrough you last played on.
- LastSavedDate– Means the last time the character was saved.
- LastVisitedTeleporter– Names the last Fast Travel station you used.
- LevelChallengeUnlocks– This has something to do with your Challenge completion.
- LockoutList– Resetting the “Time” to 0 allows you to keep fighting the Raid Bosses.
- MarketingCodesNeeded– You can unlock certain things pertaining to Pre-order DLC and the Premiere Club.
- MaxBankSlots– You can change the amount of space in the bank here, but I never used this method.
- MissionPlaythroughs– Here is a list off your current and active quests. You can change what quest you want to be on and if you’ve completed it or not.
- NumChallengePrestiges– Lists the challenges you “Prestiged”
- NumGoldenKeyesNotified– Changing how many keyes you have here does not work.
- OneOffLevelChallengeCompletion– The data for certain Challenges are listed here.
- PlayerFlags–
- PlayerHAsPlayedInPlaythroughThree
- PlaythroughsCompleted– Here you can change the numbers of playthroughs you have completed(0 means 1st Playthrough, 2 means TVHM).
- PlotMissionNumber– This number is for what Main Quest mission you’re on. But make sure you change the Plot Mission to match this number.
- QueuedTrainingMessages– This is a blank list.
- RecievedDefaultWeapon– Checked or Unchecked, it does nothing.
- RegionGameStages– Here you can enter in specific area/locations in the world and change the levels of the enemies.
- ResourceData– Here you can change the amount of ammo you have for each of your guns.
- ShowNewPlaythroughNotification– Check or Unchecked, it does nothing.
- SkillData– Here is a list of all you character’s skills. You can change the amount of points you used on each.
- SuppressAtmosphereNotifications
- TotalPlayTime– You can change the amount of time spent in the game.
- UsedMarketingCodes– You can unlock certain things pertaining to Pre-order DLC and the Premiere Club.
- VehicleSteeringMode
- WeaponData– Here you can add and change things about your weapons. I don’t use this method though.
- WorldDiscoveryList– This is a list of all the locations in the world and you can check off the boxes to say “Uncovered”.
How to mod your ammo:
Get more Storage Deck Upgrades (SDU) by following these guides for either Console or PC.
Xbox & Playstation 3
- Go to the “Raw” tab
- Scroll down to “BlackMarketUpgrades” and click “(Collection)”
- Replace the first seven lines with the following
999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999 999999999 2147483644
- Scroll down to”ResourceData” and click “(Collection)”
- In the new window select each “ResourceData” and paste “2147483647” without the quotations in to the “Amount” field for each one.
- The number in the “Amount” field will automatically change to “2.147484E+09” which is normal.
- Go to the “Raw” tab
- Scroll down to “BlackMarketUpgrades” and click “(Collection)”
- Replace the first seven lines with the following
99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999
- Scroll down to”ResourceData” and click “(Collection)”
- In the new window select each “ResourceData” and paste “99999” without the quotations in to the “Amount” field for each one.