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All Collection Book Rewards [Level 1-1000] – Fortnite

The Collection Book is a way for you to earn rewards and here is a full overview of all the rewards you get. In this list I will show you all the goodies you can get in Fortnite from level 1 all the way up to level 1000, so spoilers ahead. The Collection Book lets you permanently dismiss blueprints and characters that you don't want to use anymore. For each unique item you turn in, you level up your Collection Book. The experience gained is based on the rarity and level of the item. Consuming heroes will level up your Collection Book a lot faster than other items. It is not advised to put any Epic or Legendary items to the Collection Book because you will need them for the Legendary Transform Keys if you plan to play the game further.  The Collection Book has rewards up to level 1000, check out the full list of rewards below.
All Collection Book Rewards - Fortnite Game


  • Overview
  • Collection Book Rewards [List 1 – 1000] (completely worked since patch 6.30)


The following items are granted for completing Collection Book levels:

  • Experience
    • Hero XP is used to level up Heroes and Defenders.
    • Survivor XP is used to level up Lead Survivors and Subordinates.
    • Schematic XP is used to level up Weapon Schematics and Trap Schematics.
  • Schematics
    • Schematics are the weapon and trap designs found hidden throughout the world of Fortnite. Schematics are recipes allowing players to craft Weapons and Traps from Materials.
  • V-Bucks (removed since patch 6.30)
    • V-Bucks is short for Vindertech Bucks or Vinderbucks. They are an in-game currency in Fortnite. V-Bucks are used for purchasing items from the in-game Vindertech Store, or to purchase cosmetic items and the Premium Battle Pass in Battle Royale
  • Skill Points (removed since patch 6.30)
    • Skill Points are used to progress through the Skill Trees and getting upgrades like increased attack damage.
  • People
    • People is the collective term for the three types of collectible characters in Fortnite: Heroes, Defenders, and Survivors.
    • Heroes are playable characters that fall under the 4 classes of Soldier, Constructor, Ninja, and Outlander.
    • Defenders are AI-controlled characters that fight alongside heroes during missions, each specializing in a different weapon type. They are spawned by the Defender Post.
    • Survivors are non-controllable characters which can be assigned into Survivor Squads to grant extra Stats and various bonuses to the player’s Hero and their party.
      • Lead Survivors, a subset of Survivors, are the only Survivors that may be placed in the Leader slot in Survivor Squads.
  • Legendary Troll Stash Llamas
    • Jackpot Llamas give you a ton of loot.
  • Upgrade Materials
    • Upgrade Materials are used to Evolve Schematics and People.
  • Resources
    • Flux – Collect flux to upgrade a Hero or Schematics rarity.
    • Perk Up – Resource used to upgrade Schematic perks.
    • Eye of the Storm – Resource used to evolve all types of items. Found primarily in Canny Valley and Twine Peaks.
    • Lightning in a Bottle – Resource used to evolve all types of items. Found primarily in Plankerton, Canny Valley and Twine Peaks.
    • Pure Drop of Rain – Resource used to evolve all types of items.

Collection Book Rewards List

  1. Nothing
  2. Uncommon Soldier, Uncommon Constructor, Uncommon Ninja, or Uncommon Outlander
  3. Rare Schematic
  4. Schematic XP (1000)
  5. Rare Defender
  6. Uncommon Ranged Weapon Schematic, Uncommon Melee Weapon Schematic
  7. Uncommon Trap Schematic
  8. Schematic XP (1000)
  9. Rare Survivor
  1. Hero XP (5000)
  2. Pure Drop of Rain (10)
  3. Rare Melee Weapon Schematic
  4. Rare Lead Survivor
  5. Survivor XP (5000)
  6. Rare Ranged Weapon Schematic
  7. Training Manual (10), Trap Designs (10), Weapon Designs (10)
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (10)
  9. Rare Trap Schematic
  10. Training Manual (10), Trap Designs (10), Weapon Designs (10)
  1. Pure Drop of Rain (10)
  2. Rare Flux (100)
  3. Schematic XP (5000)
  4. Rare Ninja or Rare Outlander
  5. Rare Survivor
  6. Hero XP (10000)
  7. Rare Lead Survivor
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (15)
  9. Rare Ranged Weapon Schematic, Rare Melee Weapon Schematic, and Rare Trap Schematic
  10. Schematic XP (10000)
  1. RE-PERK! (100)
  2. Trap Pack
  3. Rare Defender
  4. Rare Flux (100)
  5. Pure Drop of Rain (15)
  6. Hero XP (10000)
  7. Training Manual (20), Trap Designs (20), or Weapon Designs (20)
  8. Survivor XP (10000)
  9. Epic Survivor
  10. Legendary Flux (25)
  1. Pure Drop of Rain (15)
  2. Weapon Pack
  3. Epic Survivor
  4. FIRE-UP! (200), AMP-UP! (200), FROST-UP! (200)
  5. RE-PERK! (100)
  6. Rare Lead Survivor
  7. Rare Flux (100)
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (15)
  9. Schematic XP (10000)
  10. Epic Survivor
  1. Hero XP (20000), Survivor XP (20000), Schematic XP (20000)
  2. Epic Soldier, Epic Constructor, Epic Ninja, Epic Outlander
  3. Pure Drop of Rain (20)
  4. RE-PERK! (125)
  5. Schematic XP (20000)
  6. Pure Drop of Rain (20)
  7. RE-PERK! (250), FIRE-UP! (250), AMP-UP! (250), FROST-UP! (250)
  8. Rare Ranged Weapon Schematic
  9. Survivor XP (20000)
  10. Uncommon PERK-UP! (100), Rare PERK-UP! (150)
  1. Pure Drop of Rain (20), Lightning in a Bottle (15)
  2. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  3. RE-PERK! (125)
  4. Pure Drop of Rain (20)
  5. Rare Flux (100)
  6. Epic Survivor
  7. FIRE-UP! (200), AMP-UP! (200), FROST-UP! (200)
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (20), Lightning in a Bottle (15)
  9. Schematic XP (20000)
  10. Training Manual (30), Trap Designs (30), Weapon Designs (30)
  1. Pure Drop of Rain (20), Lightning in a Bottle (15)
  2. Weapon Pack
  3. Survivor XP (20000)
  4. Epic Survivor
  5. RE-PERK! (250), FIRE-UP! (250), AMP-UP! (250), FROST-UP! (250)
  6. Pure Drop of Rain (20), Lightning in a Bottle (15)
  7. Schematic XP (20000)
  8. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50)
  9. RE-PERK! (125)
  10. Epic Survivor (2)
  1. Hero XP (40000), Survivor XP (40000), Schematic XP (40000)
  2. Trap Pack
  3. Epic Survivor (2)
  4. Pure Drop of Rain (25), Lightning in a Bottle (20)
  5. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50)
  6. Rare PERK-UP! (150)
  7. Rare Lead Survivor
  8. Epic Soldier, Epic Constructor, Epic Ninja, Epic Outlander
  9. Pure Drop of Rain (25), Lightning in a Bottle (20)
  10. Survivor XP (40000)
  11. Legendary Flux (50)
  12. Training Manual (40), Trap Designs (40), Weapon Designs (40)
  13. Hero XP (40000), Survivor XP (40000), Schematic XP (40000)
  14. Rare Schematic (2)
  15. Rare PERK-UP! (150)
  16. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50)
  17. Epic Defender
  18. Epic Survivor (2)
  19. Training Manual (40), Trap Designs (40), Weapon Designs (40)
  20. FIRE-UP! (1200), AMP-UP! (1200), FROST-UP! (1200)

Fortnite Collection Book Rewards 100+

  1. Raider Raptor
  2. Hero XP (50000)
  3. Rare PERK-UP! (150)
  4. Schematic XP (50000)
  5. Epic Survivor (2)
  6. Training Manual (50), Trap Designs (50), Weapon Designs (50)
  7. Pure Drop of Rain (35), Lightning in a Bottle (25), Eye of the Storm (15)
  8. Rare PERK-UP! (150)
  9. Epic Ranged Weapon Schematic, Epic Trap Schematic
  10. Survivor XP (50000)
  1. Epic Survivor (2)
  2. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  3. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  4. Epic Defender
  5. Lightning in a Bottle (25), Eye of the Storm (15)
  6. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  7. Hero XP (50000)
  8. Epic Lead Survivor
  9. Epic Soldier, Epic Constructor, Epic Ninja, Epic Outlander
  10. Pure Drop of Rain (35), Lightning in a Bottle (25), Eye of the Storm (15)
  1. Epic Schematic
  2. Training Manual (50), Trap Designs (50), Weapon Designs (50)
  3. Pure Drop of Rain (35), Lightning in a Bottle (25), Eye of the Storm (15)
  4. Uncommon PERK-UP! (125), Rare PERK-UP! (150)
  5. Epic Flux (75)
  6. Epic Survivor (2)
  7. Epic Melee Weapon Schematic, Epic Trap Schematic
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (35), Lightning in a Bottle (25), Eye of the Storm (15)
  9. Schematic XP (50000)
  10. RE-PERK! (250), FIRE-UP! (250), AMP-UP! (250), FROST-UP! (250)
  1. Rare PERK-UP! (200)
  2. Epic Survivor (2)
  3. Survivor XP (50000)
  4. Epic Soldier, Epic Constructor, Epic Ninja, Epic Outlander
  5. Epic Survivor (3)
  6. Lightning in a Bottle (25), Eye of the Storm (15)
  7. Epic PERK-UP! (250)
  8. Training Manual (50), Trap Designs (50), Weapon Designs (50)
  9. Hero XP (50000), Survivor XP (50000), Schematic XP (50000)
  10. Epic Lead Survivor
  1. Pure Drop of Rain (35), Lightning in a Bottle (25), Eye of the Storm (15), Storm Shard (5)
  2. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  3. Lightning in a Bottle (25), Eye of the Storm (15), Storm Shard (5)
  4. Rare PERK-UP! (200)
  5. Hero XP (50000)
  6. Epic Survivor (2)
  7. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (35), Lightning in a Bottle (25), Eye of the Storm (15), Storm Shard (5)
  9. Legendary PERK-UP! (350)
  10. Epic Ranged Weapon Schematic, Epic Melee Weapon Schematic
  1. RE-PERK! (200)
  2. Epic Survivor (2)
  3. Survivor XP (60000)
  4. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  5. Epic Survivor (3)
  6. Lightning in a Bottle (30), Eye of the Storm (20), Storm Shard (10)
  7. FIRE-UP! (1200), AMP-UP! (1200), FROST-UP! (1200)
  8. Epic Soldier, Epic Constructor, Epic Ninja, Epic Outlander
  9. Epic Lead Survivor
  10. Schematic XP (60000)
  1. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (30), Eye of the Storm (20), Storm Shard (10)
  2. Hero XP (60000)
  3. Epic Melee Weapon Schematic, Epic Trap Schematic
  4. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (30), Eye of the Storm (20), Storm Shard (10)
  5. FIRE-UP! (1200), AMP-UP! (1200), FROST-UP! (1200)
  6. Hero XP (60000)
  7. Epic Survivor (3)
  8. Training Manual (80), Trap Designs (80), Weapon Designs (80)
  9. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (30), Eye of the Storm (20), Storm Shard (10)
  10. Survivor XP (60000)
  1. Epic Ranged Weapon Schematic, Epic Melee Weapon Schematic
  2. Schematic XP (60000)
  3. Epic Survivor (2)
  4. Hero XP (60000), Survivor XP (60000), Schematic XP (60000)
  5. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  6. Epic Survivor (2)
  7. Lightning in a Bottle (30), Eye of the Storm (20), Storm Shard (10)
  8. Legendary Flux (50)
  9. Epic Soldier, Epic Constructor, Epic Ninja, Epic Outlander
  10. Epic Lead Survivor
  1. Hero XP (60000)
  2. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (30), Eye of the Storm (20), Storm Shard (10)
  3. Epic Melee Weapon Schematic, Epic Trap Schematic
  4. Survivor XP (60000)
  5. Epic Survivor (2)
  6. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (30), Eye of the Storm (20), Storm Shard (10)
  7. Schematic XP (60000)
  8. Training Manual (80), Trap Designs (80), Weapon Designs (80)
  9. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (30), Eye of the Storm (20), Storm Shard (10)
  10. RE-PERK! (200)
  1. Legendary Ranged Weapon Schematic, Legendary Melee Weapon Schematic
  2. Hero XP (60000)
  3. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (30), Eye of the Storm (20), Storm Shard (10)
  4. Survivor XP (200000)
  5. Trap Pack
  6. Schematic XP (60000)
  7. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (30), Eye of the Storm (20), Storm Shard (10)
  8. Epic Lead Survivor
  9. Legendary Melee Weapon Schematic, Legendary Trap Schematic
  10. Legendary Flux (50)


Fortnite Collection Book Rewards 200+

  1. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  2. RE-PERK! (200)
  3. Hero XP (70000)
  4. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  5. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  6. Training Manual (80), Trap Designs (80), Weapon Designs (80)
  7. Legendary Survivor (2)
  8. Survivor XP (70000)
  9. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  10. RE-PERK! (200)
  1. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  2. Schematic XP (250000)
  3. Hero XP (70000)
  4. Legendary Lead Survivor (2)
  5. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  6. Survivor XP (250000)
  7. Legendary Survivor
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  9. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  10. Schematic XP (70000)
  1. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  2. RE-PERK! (200)
  3. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  4. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250)
  5. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  6. Hero XP (70000)
  7. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250)
  8. Training Manual (80), Trap Designs (80), Weapon Designs (80)
  9. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  10. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  1. Survivor XP (70000)
  2. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  3. Schematic XP (70000)
  4. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250)
  5. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  6. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  7. Survivor XP (70000)
  8. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  9. Hero XP (300000)
  10. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250)
  1. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  2. Survivor XP (70000)
  3. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  4. Legendary Survivor
  5. RE-PERK! (200)
  6. Schematic XP (70000)
  7. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  8. Hero XP (70000)
  9. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  10. Epic Survivor (2)
  1. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  2. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250)
  3. Epic Survivor (2)
  4. Training Manual (80), Trap Designs (80), Weapon Designs (80)
  5. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  6. Legendary Ranged Weapon Schematic
  7. Hero XP (70000)
  8. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  9. Survivor XP (300000)
  10. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  1. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  2. Legendary Soldier, Legendary Constructor, Legendary Ninja, Legendary Outlander
  3. Schematic XP (70000)
  4. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250)
  5. Training Manual (80), Trap Designs (80), Weapon Designs (80)
  6. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  7. Legendary Survivor (2)
  8. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  9. Weapon Pack
  10. Hero XP (70000)
  1. Survivor XP (70000)
  2. Legendary Lead Survivor (2)
  3. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  4. Legendary Survivor (2)
  5. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  6. Legendary Lead Survivor
  7. Legendary Soldier, Legendary Constructor, Legendary Ninja, Legendary Outlander
  8. Hero XP (300000)
  9. Schematic XP (70000)
  10. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  1. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250)
  2. Training Manual (80), Trap Designs (80), Weapon Designs (80)
  3. Legendary Survivor (2)
  4. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (25), Storm Shard (15)
  5. Hero XP (70000)
  6. Epic Defender
  7. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  8. Survivor XP (350000)
  9. Legendary Survivor (2)
  10. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  11. Schematic XP (70000)
  12. Legendary PERK-UP! (500)
  13. Legendary Lead Survivor
  14. Hero XP (70000)
  15. Trap Pack (2)
  16. Legendary Survivor (2)
  17. Epic Defender
  18. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  19. RE-PERK! (250)
  20. Survivor XP (70000)

Fortnite Collection Book Rewards 300+

  1. Legendary Ranged Weapon Schematic (2)
  2. Legendary Defender
  3. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  4. Schematic XP (80000)
  5. Legendary Flux (50)
  6. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  7. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  8. Hero XP (80000)
  9. RE-PERK! (300)
  10. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  1. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  2. Survivor XP (80000)
  3. Legendary PERK-UP! (500)
  4. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Weapon Designs (100)
  5. Legendary Survivor (2)
  6. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  7. Schematic XP (400000)
  8. Legendary Lead Survivor (2)
  9. Legendary Flux (50)
  10. RE-PERK! (300)
  1. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  2. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  3. Epic PERK-UP! (400)
  4. Hero XP (80000)
  5. Legendary PERK-UP! (500)
  6. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Weapon Designs (100)
  7. RE-PERK! (300)
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  9. Legendary Lead Survivor (2)
  10. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  1. Legendary Lead Survivor
  2. Weapon Pack (2)
  3. Hero XP (80000)
  4. Legendary Defender
  5. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  6. Survivor XP (80000)
  7. Legendary Lead Survivor
  8. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Weapon Designs (100)
  9. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  10. Legendary Survivor (2)
  1. Trap Pack (2)
  2. Schematic XP (80000)
  3. Legendary Lead Survivor
  4. Epic PERK-UP! (400)
  5. Weapon Pack (2)
  6. Hero XP (400000)
  7. Legendary Defender
  8. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  9. Legendary Lead Survivor
  10. Survivor XP (80000)
  1. Legendary Flux (100)
  2. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  3. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  4. Legendary Flux (50)
  5. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Weapon Designs (100)
  6. Hero XP (80000)
  7. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  8. Epic PERK-UP! (400)
  9. Legendary Lead Survivor
  10. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  1. Schematic XP (80000)
  2. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  3. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  4. Legendary Lead Survivor (2)
  5. Survivor XP (80000)
  6. Legendary Flux (50)
  7. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  9. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  10. Legendary Lead Survivor
  1. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Weapon Designs (100)
  2. RE-PERK! (300)
  3. Schematic XP (400000)
  4. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  5. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  6. Survivor XP (80000)
  7. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  9. Legendary Soldier, Legendary Constructor, Legendary Ninja, Legendary Outlander
  10. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  1. Hero XP (80000)
  2. RE-PERK! (300)
  3. Mythic Lead Survivor
  4. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  5. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  6. Legendary PERK-UP! (500)
  7. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  9. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  10. Legendary Flux (50)
  11. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  12. Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  13. Survivor XP (80000)
  14. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  15. Legendary Lead Survivor
  16. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  17. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (35), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  18. Legendary Flux (100)
  19. Schematic XP (80000)
  20. Legendary Survivor (2)

Fortnite Collection Book Rewards 400+

  1. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  2. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  3. Hero XP (400000)
  4. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  5. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Weapon Designs (100)
  6. Legendary Lead Survivor
  7. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  8. Schematic XP (80000)
  9. Legendary Flux (100)
  10. Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  1. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  2. Survivor XP (80000)
  3. Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  4. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  5. Legendary Survivor (2)
  6. Schematic XP (80000)
  7. Mythic Lead Survivor
  8. RE-PERK! (300)
  9. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  10. Legendary Flux (50)
  1. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  2. Legendary Flux (50)
  3. Legendary Survivor (2)
  4. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  5. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  6. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  7. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  8. Legendary PERK-UP! (500)
  9. Legendary Flux (50)
  10. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Weapon Designs (100)
  1. Survivor XP (80000)
  2. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  3. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  4. Hero XP (80000)
  5. Epic Flux (100)
  6. RE-PERK! (300)
  7. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  8. Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  9. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  10. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Weapon Designs (100)
  1. Schematic XP (80000)
  2. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  3. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  4. Legendary Flux (50)
  5. Hero XP (80000)
  6. Legendary Flux (100)
  7. Legendary Lead Survivor
  8. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  9. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  10. Legendary Flux (50)
  1. Schematic XP (400000)
  2. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  3. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  4. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  5. Legendary Survivor (2)
  6. Survivor XP (80000)
  7. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  8. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  9. Schematic XP (80000)
  10. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  1. Legendary Flux (100)
  2. Survivor XP (80000)
  3. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  4. Hero XP (80000)
  5. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  6. Legendary Soldier, Legendary Constructor, Legendary Ninja, Legendary Outlander
  7. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  8. Legendary Flux (50)
  9. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Weapon Designs (100)
  10. Legendary Survivor (2)
  1. Survivor XP (80000)
  2. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  3. Legendary Flux (100)
  4. RE-PERK! (500)
  5. Schematic XP (400000)
  6. Legendary Flux (50)
  7. FIRE-UP! (1500), AMP-UP! (1500), FROST-UP! (1500)
  8. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  9. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  10. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  1. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  2. Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  3. Epic Flux (100)
  4. Survivor XP (80000)
  5. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  6. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  7. Hero XP (80000)
  8. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  9. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Weapon Designs (100)
  10. Schematic XP (80000)
  1. RE-PERK! (500), FIRE-UP! (500), AMP-UP! (500), FROST-UP! (500)
  2. Pure Drop of Rain (60), Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  3. Hero XP (400000)
  4. Training Manual (100), Trap Designs (100), Trap Designs (100)
  5. FIRE-UP! (800), AMP-UP! (800), FROST-UP! (800)
  6. Lightning in a Bottle (40), Eye of the Storm (30), Storm Shard (20)
  7. Rare Flux (50), Epic Flux (50), Legendary Flux (50)
  8. Uncommon PERK-UP! (150), Rare PERK-UP! (200), Epic PERK-UP! (250), Legendary PERK-UP! (450)
  9. Legendary Flux (50)
  10. Survivor XP (500000)

Fortnite Collection Book Rewards 500+

  1. Legendary Troll Stash Llama
  2. 800 x Fire up, 800 x Amp up, 800 x Frost up
  3. Hero XP (400000)
  4. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  5. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  6. Random Lead Survivor (Legendary)
  7. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  8. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  9. Legendary Flux (100)
  10. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  1. 800 x Fire up, 800 x Amp up, 800 x Frost up
  2. 80000 x Survivor experience
  3. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  4.  500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  5.  2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  7. Random Lead Survivor (Mythic)
  8.  300 x Re-perk
  9.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  10.  50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  1. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  2. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  3. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  4. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  5. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  6. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. 1500 x Fire up, 1500 x Amp up, 1500 x Frost up
  8. 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  1. 80000 x Survivor experience
  2. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  4. 80000 x Hero Experience
  5. 100 x Epic Flux (Epic)
  6. 300 x Re-perk
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  9. 800 x Fire up, 800 x Amp up, 800 x Frost up
  10. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  1. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  2. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  3. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  4. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  5. 80000 x Hero Experience
  6. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. Random Lead Survivor (Legendary)
  8. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. Legendary Troll Stash Llama (Legendary)
  10. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  1. 400000 x Schematic Experience
  2. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  4. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  5. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 80000 x Survivor experience
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 1500 x Fire up, 1500 x Amp up, 1500 x Frost up
  9. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  10. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  1. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  2. 80000 x Survivor experience
  3. 1500 x Fire up, 1500 x Amp up, 1500 x Frost up
  4. 80000 x Hero Experience
  5. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  6. Soldier Card Pack (Legendary), Constructor Card Pack (Legendary), Ninja Card Pack (Legendary), Outlander Card Pack (Legendary)
  7. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  8. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  10. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  1. 80000 x Survivor experience
  2. 1500 x Fire up, 1500 x Amp up, 1500 x Frost up
  3. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  4. 500 x Re-perk
  5. 400000 x Schematic Experience
  6. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. 1500 x Fire up, 1500 x Amp up, 1500 x Frost up
  8. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  10. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  1. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  2. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 100 x Epic Flux (Epic)
  4. 80000 x Survivor experience
  5. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  6. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  7. 80000 x Hero Experience
  8. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  9. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  10. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  1. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up,500 x Frost up
  2.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 400000 x Hero Experience
  4. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  5. 800 x Fire up, 800 x Amp up, 800 x Frost up
  6. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 500000 x Survivor experience

Fortnite Collection Book Rewards 600+

  1. Legendary Troll Stash Llama (Legendary)
  2. 800 x Fire up, 800 x Amp up, 800 x Frost up
  3. 400000 x Hero Experience
  4. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  5. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  6. Random Lead Survivor (Legendary)
  7.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  8. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  9. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  1. 800 x Fire up, 800 x Amp up, 800 x Frost up
  2. 80000 x Survivor experience
  3. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  4. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  5. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  7. Random Lead Survivor (Mythic)
  8. 300 x Re-perk
  9. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  10. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  1. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  2. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  3. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  4. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  5. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  6. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. 1500 x Fire up, 1500 x Amp up, 1500 x Frost up
  8. 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  1. 80000 x Survivor experience
  2. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  4. 80000 x Hero Experience
  5. 100 x Epic Flux (Epic)
  6. 300 x Re-perk
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  9. 800 x Fire up, 800 x Amp up, 800 x Frost up
  10. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  1. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  2.  500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  3. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  4. 0 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  5. 80000 x Hero Experience
  6. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. Random Lead Survivor (Legendary)
  8. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. Legendary Troll Stash Llama (Legendary)
  10. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  1. 400000 x Schematic Experience
  2. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  4. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  5. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 80000 x Survivor experience
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 1500 x Fire up, 1500 x Amp up, 1500 x Frost up
  9. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  10. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  1. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  2. 80000 x Survivor experience
  3. 1500 x Fire up, 1500 x Amp up,1500 x Frost up
  4. 80000 x Hero Experience
  5. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  6. Soldier Card Pack (Legendary), Constructor Card Pack (Legendary), Ninja Card Pack (Legendary), Outlander Card Pack (Legendary)
  7. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  8. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  10. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  1. 80000 x Survivor experience
  2. 1500 x Fire up, 1500 x Amp up, 1500 x Frost up
  3. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  4. 500 x Re-perk
  5. 400000 x Schematic Experience
  6. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. 1500 x Fire up, 1500 x Amp up, 1500 x Frost up
  8. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  10. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  1. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  2. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 100 x Epic Flux (Epic)
  4. 80000 x Survivor experience
  5. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  6. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  7. 80000 x Hero Experience
  8. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  9. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  10. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  1. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  2. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 400000 x Hero Experience
  4. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs
  5. 800 x Fire up, 800 x Amp up, 800 x Frost up
  6. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend), 50 x Epic Flux (Epic), 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 500000 x Survivor experience

Fortnite Collection Book Rewards 700+

  1. Legendary Troll Stash Llama (Legendary)
  2. 800 x Fire up, 800 x Amp up, 800 x Frost up
  3. 400000 x Hero Experience
  4. 150 x Uncommon perk up, 200 x Rare perk up (Rare), 250 x Epic perk up (Epic), 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  5. 100 x Training Manual, 100 x Trap Designs, 100 x Weapon Designs, Random Lead Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  7. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  8. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  1. 800 x Fire up, 800 x Amp up, 800 x Frost up
  2. 80000 x Survivor experience
  3. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  4. 500 x Re-perk, 500 x Fire up, 500 x Amp up, 500 x Frost up
  5. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  7. Random Lead Survivor (Mythic)
  8. 300 x Re-perk
  9. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic), 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic), 35 x Eye of the storm (Epic), 22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  10. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  1. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  2. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  3. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  4. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  5. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  6. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  8. 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  1. 80000 x Survivor experience
  2. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  4. 80000 x Hero Experience
  5. 100 x Epic Flux (Epic)
  6. 300 x Re-perk
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  9. 800 x Fire up
    800 x Amp up
    800 x Frost up
  10. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  1. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  2. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  3. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  4. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  5. 80000 x Hero Experience
  6. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. Random Lead Survivor (Legendary)
  8. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. Legendary Troll Stash Llama (Legendary)
  10. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  1. 400000 x Schematic Experience
  2. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  4. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  5. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 80000 x Survivor experience
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  9. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  10. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  1. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  2. 80000 x Survivor experience
  3. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  4. 80000 x Hero Experience
  5. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  6. Soldier Card Pack (Legendary)
    Constructor Card Pack (Legendary)
    Ninja Card Pack (Legendary)
    Outlander Card Pack (Legendary)
  7.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  8. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  10. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  1. 80000 x Survivor experience
  2. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  3. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  4. 500 x Re-perk
  5. 400000 x Schematic Experience
  6. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  8. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  10. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  1. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  2. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 100 x Epic Flux (Epic)
  4. 80000 x Survivor experience
  5. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  6. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  7. 80000 x Hero Experience
  8.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  9. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  10. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  1. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  2.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 400000 x Hero Experience
  4. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  5. 800 x Fire up
    800 x Amp up
    800 x Frost up
  6. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 500000 x Survivor experience

Fortnite Collection Book Rewards 800+

  1. Legendary Troll Stash Llama (Legendary)
  2. 800 x Fire up
    800 x Amp up
    800 x Frost up
  3. 400000 x Hero Experience
  4. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  5. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  6. Random Lead Survivor (Legendary)
  7.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  8. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  9. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10.  45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  1. 800 x Fire up
    800 x Amp up
    800 x Frost up
  2. 80000 x Survivor experience
  3. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  4. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  5. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  7. Random Lead Survivor (Mythic)
  8. 300 x Re-perk
  9. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  10. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  1. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  2. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  3.  2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  4. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  5. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  6. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  8. 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  1. 80000 x Survivor experience
  2.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  4. 80000 x Hero Experience
  5. 100 x Epic Flux (Epic)
  6. 300 x Re-perk
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  9.  800 x Fire up
    800 x Amp up
    800 x Frost up
  10. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  1. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  2. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  3. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  4. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  5. 80000 x Hero Experience
  6. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. Random Lead Survivor (Legendary)
  8. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. Legendary Troll Stash Llama (Legendary)
  10. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  1. 400000 x Schematic Experience
  2.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  4. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  5. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 80000 x Survivor experience
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  9. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  10. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  1. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  2. 80000 x Survivor experience
  3. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  4. 80000 x Hero Experience
  5.  150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  6. Soldier Card Pack (Legendary)
    Constructor Card Pack (Legendary)
    Ninja Card Pack (Legendary)
    Outlander Card Pack (Legendary)
  7. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  8. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  10. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  1. 80000 x Survivor experience
  2. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  3. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  4. 500 x Re-perk
  5. 400000 x Schematic Experience
  6.  50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  8. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  10. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  1. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  2. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 100 x Epic Flux (Epic)
  4. 80000 x Survivor experience
  5. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  6. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  7. 80000 x Hero Experience
  8. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  9. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  10. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  1. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  2. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 400000 x Hero Experience
  4. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  5. 800 x Fire up
    800 x Amp up
    800 x Frost up
  6. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  7.  50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 500000 x Survivor experience

Fortnite Collection Book Rewards 900+

  1. Legendary Troll Stash Llama (Legendary)
  2. 800 x Fire up
    800 x Amp up
    800 x Frost up
  3. 400000 x Hero Experience
  4. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  5. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  6. Random Lead Survivor (Legendary)
  7. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  8. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  9. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  1. 800 x Fire up
    800 x Amp up
    800 x Frost up
  2. 80000 x Survivor experience
  3. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  4. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  5.  2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  7. Random Lead Survivor (Mythic)
  8.  300 x Re-perk
  9.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  10. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  1. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  2.  50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  3. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  4. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  5. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  6. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  8. 500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  1. 80000 x Survivor experience
  2. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  4. 80000 x Hero Experience
  5. 100 x Epic Flux (Epic)
  6. 300 x Re-perk
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  9. 800 x Fire up
    800 x Amp up
    800 x Frost up
  10. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  1. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  2. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  3. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  4. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  5. 80000 x Hero Experience
  6. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. Random Lead Survivor (Legendary)
  8. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9.  Legendary Troll Stash Llama (Legendary)
  10. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  1. 400000 x Schematic Experience
  2.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3.  150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  4. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  5. 2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  6. 80000 x Survivor experience
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  9. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  10. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  1. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  2. 80000 x Survivor experience
  3. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  4. 80000 x Hero Experience
  5. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  6. Soldier Card Pack (Legendary)
    Constructor Card Pack (Legendary)
    Ninja Card Pack (Legendary)
    Outlander Card Pack (Legendary)
  7.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  8. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  10.  2 x Random Survivor (Legendary)
  1. 80000 x Survivor experience
  2. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  3. 100 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  4. 500 x Re-perk
  5. 400000 x Schematic Experience
  6. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  7. 1500 x Fire up
    1500 x Amp up
    1500 x Frost up
  8. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  9. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  10. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  1.  500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  2. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 100 x Epic Flux (Epic)
  4. 80000 x Survivor experience
  5. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  6. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  7. 80000 x Hero Experience
  8. 60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  9. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  10. 80000 x Schematic Experience
  1. 500 x Re-perk
    500 x Fire up
    500 x Amp up
    500 x Frost up
  2.  60 x Pure drop of rain (Epic)
    45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  3. 400000 x Hero Experience
  4. 100 x Training Manual
    100 x Trap Designs
    100 x Weapon Designs
  5. 800 x Fire up
    800 x Amp up
    800 x Frost up
  6. 45 x Lightning in a bottle (Epic)
    35 x Eye of the storm (Epic)
    22 x Storm shard (Epic)
  7. 50 x Rare Flux (Rare)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  8. 150 x Uncommon perk up
    200 x Rare perk up (Rare)
    250 x Epic perk up (Epic)
    500 x Legendary perk up (Legend)
  9. 50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
    50 x Epic Flux (Epic)
    50 x Legendary flux (Legend)
  10. 500000 x Survivor experience
  11. Legendary Troll Stash Llama (Legendary)
Written by
I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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