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Fortnite Guide – How does Hero Stats & Survivor Squads work ?

Fortnite Stats Boost Guide

Once you picked the best hero class for you it’s time to make him or her as badass as you can. But what are the things you should focus on and how can you improve them. Fortnite has various stats that can be improved by setting up the right team compositions. However this isn’t explained really well in the game. So here is a helpful guide that helps you with the following questions.

  • What do these hero stats do ?
  • How does Squad bonus work ?
  • How do Survivor Squads work ?

F.O.R.T. Stats Explained

On the left of the screen you will see your hero stats.  F.O.R.T. stats are improved through Survivor Squads, Skill Tree, and the Research Tree. They are your primary driver of Homebase power.

  • Fortitude – Improves health. If you are getting killed too fast you may not have enough Fortitude.
  • Offense – Improves weapon damage, both melee and ranged. If it takes too long to kill husks, focus on Offense.
  • Resistance – Improves shield and shield regen. Best way to improve your survivability for quick moving players.
  • Tech – Improves ability damage, and traps. Key for Ninja’s skills, and players who use lots of traps.

Squad Bonus Explained

Squad bonus adds 2 bonuses to your hero stats. There is a support bonus and a tactical bonus. In order to obtain these benefits you need to fill up the Squad Bonus slots. The left slot will add the left bonus that’s on the bottom of the hero card to your character. The right slot will add the right bonus that’s on the  bottom of the hero card. If there are no icons on the bottom of the card or you placed them in the wrong slot you won’t be rewarded with the support and tactical bonus.

tactical bonuses are very situational as they have very specific triggers. So find one that matches your primary hero.


Fortnite How to Get Squad Bonus Skills

Fortnite – How to Get Squad Bonus Skills

Survivor Squads Explained

With Survivor Squads you can boost your  F.O.R.T. stats even further. The goal is to fill up these squads with matching survivors. First you have to place a Lead Survivor in the Leader slot. Make sure you match the leader with the squad type, which you can identify with the Icon on the bottom right of the Lead Survivor Card.  Step two is that you have to fill up the rest of the squad with survivors that have matching personalities, these can be identified by the Icon on the bottom left of the card. The Survivor Lead and Squad Members should all have matching  personalities. Survivors in your squad have a skill Icon on the bottom right of their card. Find other survivors with the same skill icon. You need to match these together relative to the amount that is shown on the left of the screen. If you done all of this correctly you will be rewarded with multiple bonuses because you just created the ultimate squad. You can unlock additional squads in the skill tree.

Fortnite survivor squads explained

Fortnite survivor squads explained

Squad Name F.O.R.T. Stat Boosted Job Match
EMT Squad Fortitude Doctor
Fire Team Alpha Offense Marksman
Corps of Engineering Tech Engineers
Scouting Party Resistance Explorer
Gadgeteers Resistance Gadgeteer
Training Team Fortitude Personal Trainer
Close Assault Squad Offense Martial Artist
The Think Tank Tech Inventor
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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